Over Halfway There
Over Halfway There
Hey Guys!
I wasn’t going to say anything until I had finished the journey but I felt so damn proud of myself this week that I thought – what the hey! I basically want to SHOUT OUT LOUD at how proud and excited and happy I am with myself that I have made it this far.
At the end of last year, I decided to try running again. If you’ve been following my blog or twitter for a while then you’ll know that for the past few years I’ve had some health problems which meant I was unable to run. It was a major blow for me as I’d always loved running and usually went running once or twice a week. But then I got ill, so ill and tired and achy that I could barely get out of bed, let alone get myself out for a run.
Back and forth I went to the doctors and got told there was nothing wrong with me except that I was overweight. Then I finally got physio and she mentioned that my core muscles were the problem so we worked together to strengthen them and I did start to feel better. Not great, but better. But still something wasn’t right.
Finally at the beginning of the year last year, I got diagnosed with VERY LOW vitamin D levels. A simple blood test that I could have had at the beginning of all my issues but was denied. When the average person has levels between 75 – 300, my vitamin d level was at 17. I definitely did not have enough of the vitamin inside of me to keep my muscles and bones strong and healthy.
At the end of the summer I got my levels rechecked and I was all the way up in the 200s. (I don’t remember exactly what it was). So now that I take vitamin d tablets daily and I was starting to ache less and less, I decided that it was time to get back on the horse – metaphorically, of course.
Thus I started running again.
I started at the beginning of the couch to 5k program because while I had been nearing 10k distances before, it had been years since I had done so. And it turned out the beginning was where I needed to be. After the first run, I felt destroyed. My legs ached, I felt exhausted but I also felt something I hadn’t for years; adrenaline. It was such a good feeling. One I ultimately missed. And it made me feel so good.
Naturally with Christmas in the middle of that, I did stop running for a short while, but at the beginning of January, I got back into it and started exactly where I left off.
And on Thursday last week, I finally managed to complete Week 4, Run 2 of the 9 week program which means that I am now officially over halfway towards the end. I am halfway towards being able to run for 5k without stopping.
And I am so damn glad. I am incredibly grateful that my body is now strong enough to allow me to do this again. And I finally feel like I am getting back on track and getting my fit life back. I have missed it so much.
Keep an eye out for more news about my running in the coming weeks!
But for now,
I’m going out for a run!
That’s amazing Faye, well done you!! Xx
Amazing! I’m sorry to hear that the doctors failed you though, that’s really disheartening. But I’m glad that you’re getting better! I wish I enjoyed running, I’ve tried multiple times to start, but I don’t enjoy it at all, weight training is more my thing. That’s awesome that you’re getting back into it! You should 100% feel proud!
Jenn @ Bound to Writing
That’s great! Great job! :)
Congratulations! I’m so sorry it took them so long to discover what was causing your problems but I’m glad you’re feeling better and well done on getting this far with your running again!
I keep thinking I should start something like this, but Scotland is so cold and dark in the evenings at the moment – I just have too many excuses lined up