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Pilot Jane and the Runaway Plane by Caroline Baxter

Pilot Jane and the Runaway Plane by Caroline Baxter

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Hi All!

Today is my stop on the Pilot Jane and the Runaway Plane blog tour and I am here today to tell you all about this marvellous book and if you head on over to my twitter, you can also win a copy of the book too!

And that’s not all! Pop on over to Big Book Little Book today and you’ll see my review of the book as well!

About the Book

PilotJane_FRONT_CVR_FINAL_LR3-1 Join Pilot Jane, a fun and fearless airline captain, as she travels the world with her best friend Rose, a high-speed passenger jet. Together Jane and Rose have exciting adventures and form a perfect team, delivering their passengers safely to destinations as far afield as Alaska and Australia. But when disaster strikes and Rose falls ill, Jane is paired with ‘lean, mean flying machine’ Mighty Mitch. Can she still get the Queen to her party on time? Featuring a clever and courageous heroine, this action-packed rhyming story celebrates ‘Girl Power’ and shows what you can achieve if you work together. Fasten your seatbelt and get ready for take-off!

Goodreads. Amazon UK.

About the Author

CB Author pic Caroline Baxter lives in Oxford with her husband and two young children. From an early age she always had her nose in a book – and now does so for a living! Caroline grew up in South Wales and, after graduating with a BA in English Literature from Cardiff University, held a variety of management roles at UK universities including, most recently, at the University of Oxford. The Bear Cub Bakers, her first book, was written while on maternity leave with her daughter. Her second book,Pilot Jane and the Runaway Plane, was published recently on International Women’s Day (8 March 2017). Caroline loves travelling, yoga, baking (and eating) cake, dogs, days out and snuggling up with a good story.

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