
Reading Challenges 2013

Hey Guys!

So next year I’ve decided I’m really going to challenge myself – and hopefully stick with it! – to some fun things. A lot will be able to overlap which will make it easier for me, but I hope to win them all! Wish me luck?

This challenge is hosted by Escape with Dollycas and the challenge is to read books with titles throughout the alphabet. I did this last year as a Goodreads Challenge but didn’t quite make it to all the letters. I hope to change that this year.

This challenge is being hosted by Feeling Fictional and the challenge is to read twelve british books throughout the year. I hope to read more than that but twelve is a good place to start!

A few I am thinking of reading are;
1. Slated by Teri Terry
2. A Witch in Winter by Ruth Warburton
3. Hollow Pick by James Dawson
4. Hunting the Dark by Karen Mahoney

This challenge is hosted by Melissa’s Eclectic Bookshelf and the challenge is to read some witchy books! I love books with witches in but don’t think I read enough of them so I hope this challenge will inspire me to do that!

To begin with I am starting with the Initiate level of 1-6 books but I may move up later on in the year.

This challenge is hosted by The Craft Book Nerd and the challenge is to read as many crime/mystery books as you can in one year.

For this challenge I am going to start out as a detective trying to read 5 books, but I may move up a level later on in the year.

This challenge is being hosted by six different hosts, Bookish, Doodles Book Blog, Words at Home, Fiktshun, One Book at a Time, and Justin’s Book Blog. The aim of this challenge is to clear out our TBR piles!

For this challenge I am going to be brave (or crazy?) and try for Love At First Sight which is 31-40 books!

This challenge is being hosted by ME, and the idea is to read as many genres as you can within one year!

For this challenge I plan to do the Branching level which is 18 different genres.

And there we have it! All of these challenges will be in a page at the top of this blog in the new year, but for now I just wanted to sign up to them all!

What challenges are you participating in?



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