Article,  Fitness

Running & Fitness: My February Story

Running & Fitness

February was bad guys, like really bad. I’m not even really sure what I did all month. I was definitely busy, which made me tired, which in turn meant I didn’t make it onto the pavement to run or to the gym – and as such, I think I may be cancelling my membership soon. Turning into a little bit of a waste of money, again. Ugggh.

Which is why this month, I’m going to try once more to use the gym some more and then if I still don’t, cancel it at the end of the month. I have to give a month’s notice so I’ll then use it in April and by May it should be nice enough for me to be hitting the pavement with my running anyway!

The Plan

These are very similar to last month but yet another step back, a true easing into it gently idea. Here’s hoping it helps.

I aim to do one day at the gym per week
– I also aim to walk to work and back (25mins each way) three days a week (this will be weather dependent)
To continue eating healthily.

The Goals

– For my body to get used to the workout classes so my muscles suffer less
– To be able to run on the treadmill non-stop for 20 minutes
– To be able to climb the three flights of stairs at work without feeling like I’m dying

Let’s see if I can actually do this!

Are you doing anything to get back into or continue being in shape this month?


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