Books,  Cover Reveal

Snapshots by Patricia Lynne (COVER REVEAL!)

Today I am revealing a pretty catchy, and in my opinion, pretty snazzy cover for you all! I, for one, am looking forward to reading!



My name is Cyclop Blaine and I am a real person.
“You are mine.”
I am a real person: heedless of a childhood spent under the supervision of an old man I only know as Master.
“You belong to me.”
I am a real person: regardless of my teenage years bound by violence as the adoptive son of the Victory Street Gang’s leader.
“You will obey me.”
I am a real person: despite the visions I see in others’ eyes. Snapshots of their futures.
“You will cower before me.”
I am a real person: my life will be my own. I belong to no one.
“You. Are. MINE.”

Doesn’t it just sound so interesting? You barely know what’s going on from the summary and yet I really want to pick up this book and read it right now. Haha.

This book is set to be released on July 28th. But this is subject to change so don’t quote me on that! :)

Patricia Lynne can be found in all of this wonderful places;
website: Patricia Lynne
twitter: @patricialynne07
facebook: Patricia Lynne

And the book can be found on Goodreads, here, so quickly go now and add it to your books! You so know you want to!

What do you think of the cover? Summary? Are you as intrigued as I am?


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