Article,  Books

The Biggest Thank-You I Have Ever Given


Hey Guys!
So if you’ve been following this blog for a while, you should know that I often thank all of my wonderful followers, especially when it comes to blogoversaries and good things like that. But today I am here to give you all the biggest thank you that I have ever given you because I am so overwhelmed, I am beyond words!

As you may know, I was chosen as one of the top ten finalists for Mira Ink’s, BlogINK competition where the end prize is a 12-month long blogging job for the company. Needless to say this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and I am so glad that I took the chance and entered.

In the second (final) round, we have had to make a video and then do a social media campaign to get our video out there, seeing how far and wide we can make it go.
So, if you’re getting bored of all my tweets and facebook statuses now, don’t worry! It’s almost over!

With all of the effort happening on my side of the world, my video has reached OVER 1000 views! I remember jumping up and down when it hit 100, so you can only imagine how crazed I was when I woke up this morning and saw that it had really taken off! I also promised that if it reached 1000 views, I would release an outtakes video, that can be watched by clicking here!

For my campaign, I did a “sort-of” blog tour in the form of many guest posts and interviews on some very kind, very amazing, bloggers’ blogs!
And here is a list of all the posts. Feel free to read, comment, share, etc!

This Beautiful Life Teaser! A style of my writing at Bookish Comforts
What I Romance I like in Novels at In The Best Worlds
My Writing Passion at Letters Inside Out
Inspiration is… inspiring at Saz101
Ten Amazing Couples at Unforgettable Books
The Blogging Community Is Awesome at Book Briefs
Why YA Should Be Read by Everyone at Melissa’s Midnight Musings
Ten Amazing Reads at Eleusinian Mysteries
A Brilliant Interview at Winged Reviews
My Top Places to Read at Books, Biscuits & Tea
My Favourite Genres & Books at Reading Wishes
My Christmas Reads at Four Thousand Words
A Brilliant Interview at My Life Is A Fairy Tale
Top Five Fictional Crushes at Northern Plunder

So yes, as you can see, I have been very busy!
But today is the last day of the competition and so now all the views are what counts! And how much you can retweet, reblog, and simply share my little video!

And then when it is all over I will use a randomiser to pick one lucky winner who’ll receive a Christmas Surprise!
Also, if you can guess the tee-shirt I’m wearing in the video or any of the books on the shelf behind me, you’ll be in with the chance to win some swag!

So, let’s get going, shall we?

That video where I explain how awesome blogging really is.

And on a final note,
Y’all are awesome.


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