The Biggest Thank-You I’ve Ever Given Here
13 June, 2012
Hi Guys!
So on Friday last week, my 300-Follower Giveaway ended and I now have 348 GFC followers and 42 e-mail subscribers (390 o-O)! I honestly feel so overwhelmed and happy and just want to hug each and every one of you for being so amazing and supportive and just helping to make each of my days ten times better.
As everyone who entered the giveaway knows, I asked a question about if there was anything you would change about A Daydreamer’s Thoughts or what your favourite thing about this blog is. The responses I got honestly filled my heart with so much love and amazing-ness and I honestly just wanted to give everyone who entered a prize.
That said, unfortunately, I only have a small fortune to play around with and so I can only have three winners. Those winners are;
Michelle S – won an ARC of Immortal City by Scott Spear.
Sarah Elizabeth – won a DVD adaptation from
Elizabeth Hyatt – won a book of choice from
You have all been e-mailed and have 48 hours to respond before another winner is chosen.
Thank you to EVERYONE who participated in this giveaway and for FOLLOWING this blog. I can not tell you just how appreciative I am for it all. The reason I am still blogging today is because of YOU.
I have taken all of your lovely suggestions into consideration and hope to incorporate a lot of them into the blog in the upcoming months.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
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Vicky @ Books, Biscuits, and Tea
Aww, congratulations!!! :) Here’s to many more! *raises her muggatay*
Faye (Daydreaming_Star)
Thanks Hun! :)
Ashna Banga
Wow! Congratulations on so many followers! I’m glad I’m one too :D
I didn’t know we could know about our e-mail subscribers! I’ll have to check it out :P
Faye (Daydreaming_Star)
I use feed burner, if you log on with your blogger id, the stats should be there, I think. :-)
Ummm, you’re welcome. It was the least I could do. :-)
Sarah (saz101)
*hugs* CONGRATS, FAYE! And now you’re only one away from 350! This is RIDICULOUSLY exciting! ALSO! I LOVE YOU! ♥
Congratulations to you on so many followers!
And congratulations to the winners as well. :)