Books,  Four Stars,  Thursdays Special Spotlight,  YA

Thursday’s Special Spotlight; Hereafter by Tara Hudson

Special Spotlight

Thursday’s Special Spotlight is a new feature here at A Daydreamer’s Thoughts. It is inspired by her library’s “Book of the Week” and Stepping out of the Page’s From the Review Pile. It also stems from how far behind I am on writing reviews and how guilty I often feel about it!

The idea of this feature is to spotlight books that I read e-ons ago that I absolutely loved and I feel deserve the spotlight on this blog! They will be accompanied with reasons as to why I loved them and why I think you should read them.

This week’s pick is Hereafter by Tara Hudson


I read this book a long time ago, way back in November 2011, and I vowed to review it straight after finishing it because I really truly loved it but then, as these things go, life (which in this case was university) got in the way and it just never happened. Thus, it now gets a lovely little space on the blog as part of this new feature of mine (isn’t it lucky?). Hereafter was one of the first ghost stories I read after a long time (not the first one ever), and it was one that I really, really enjoyed. I loved the forbidden romance aspect of the novel, but for me there was also so much more to the novel then just the romance and I was incredibly excited to know more about the world in which Hereafter is set.

There is a dark element to Hereafter with the world it is set in. I loved the way Amelia didn’t know what was going on any more than we did as the reader as it left a lot of mystery to the novel. It made it even more intriguing to me as I wanted to know more but was also worried about our protagonist, what if it all went wrong for her? Then, of course, there was the romance. I am picky with what kind of romance I like in novels (how have you not noticed yet?) so when I find a novel that really hits the spot, I can’t help but worship the very shelf it sits on. This was a novel that had a lovely romance in it. There were a few bits that irritated me, and I know some reviewers have mentioned the impossibility of the lack of people noticing our guy talking to himself but when it comes to ghosts stories you have to lean a bit anyway, don’t you? So when you look past these issues, Hereafter has a lot going for it and it just deserves some true tlc.

Why Do I Think You Should Read Hereafter?
While I know this book had not been loved by everyone, I do know that many people have really enjoyed it, myself included and so I definitely think that you’ll like this book. It is a book with a dark secret within it, a world that it touches upon but never actually arises and I really like that about it and feel that others do too. I would recommend this book to people who like ghost stories that have a touch of reality in them, a blossoming romance, and a mystery that is sure to pop back throughout the series.


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