Books,  Top Ten

Top Ten Settings I’d Like to See More

top ten tuesday2

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week a new topic is given and this weeks topic is Top Ten Settings I’d Like to See More of (or at all)

I sort of bended the idea of this one slightly, just to settings I would like to read more of because I personally haven’t read enough, not because there aren’t enough. Enjoy!

  1. Winter Settings – When I was writing my Behind the Blog post last week, and with the snow that fell here in the UK, I realised that I haven’t read that many books set in winter. I know there are probably a lot out there, but I would like to read some more myself.
  2. Norfolk/Countryside Settings – I love reading UK books, but I’ve noticed a lot of them are based in London or around London. I’d love to read more books with a more UK country-side setting to them. I’m sure there’s plenty out there and I’m just not looking in the right places!
  3. Univeristy Settings – I’ve recently been introduced to New Adult books and I really like the idea of books set during university rather than high-school. Probably because I’ve just graduated so get the whole idea behind them. But I’d also like to see more set in UK universities!
  4. Foreign Countries – And I don’t just mean America! I mean books where the characters journey to different countries like India, Iran, China, etc. Some of my favourite books are the ones that are just a little bit different because of the country they’re set in!
  5. Beach Town – Again, I’m sure there are plenty of them, but I love books that are set in towns with beaches. I’m a beach/sea-lover myself and being able to read about someone connecting to the beach or the sea, or having fun adventures there is something that I’ve always enjoyed.
  6. Futuristic Worlds – This is something I have always struggled with because I also assume every sci-fi book is like Stargate or Star Trek or Star Wars (I know, that whole phrase about what happens when you assume can apply here), but I have since discovered some really great sci-fi books but I’d love to read some with some really interesting futuristic worlds – thinking similiar to iRobot here!
  7. Fairytale Worlds – I love me a good fairytale but I have come to realise that I love fairytale retellings just as much. With books such as Cinder, Scarlet, and Splintered in my mind, I’d love to read more books that take these fairytale worlds and reshape them into new and exciting places.
  8. Institutional Settings – I just recently finished Heart-Shaped Bruise and really enjoyed it and think it would be quite interesting to read other books where the characters are in mental institutions or prisons. It makes for very interesting reads.
  9. Roadtrip Settings – So this is kind of cheating but I have found that I love roadtrip books. I love the idea of roadtripping myself so being able to journey across a country when you’re just reading a book is really quite great.
  10. Underwater Settings – Life under the sea is totally magical. I’m a water baby and I love the concept of Mermaids but I haven’t actually read many mermaid stories and I think that this is something I’d like to rectify. I’m sure there are many books set underwater, now I just need to go out and find them all.

So that’s me, what about you? What settings do you want to see more of?


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