Top Ten Tuesday; Books I Haven’t Finished

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week a new topic is given and this weeks topic is a free choice so I have chosen Books I Haven’t Finished Yet
Top Ten Books I Haven’t Finished Yet
(i.e. Books I’m “currently” reading)
If you’ve been following my blog for a while or have seen me posting on social media, you will know that I am notorious for reading more then one book at a time. The problem I am having at the moment is that in reading more than one book at a time, I part read one, finish another and then start something else instead of finishing the first one… and so on and so forth. It does not mean the first book wasn’t good enough or I’m not enjoying it, I just kind of… move on. Hard to explain but there we go.
But I realised I have far too many unfinished books, so I decided to do a little top ten to share with you the ones that I’m really enjoying (and should really get on with finishing soon – and hopefully I will because I’ll be doing #FinishItFeb again this year, more info on that to come tomorrow!)
So… in no particular order…
Deliverance by C. J. Redwine
This one is particularly frustrating because not only am I part way through it and dying to know what happens – it’s also the last book in the trilogy. Which, to be honest, is probably why I’m struggling to pick it back up – I don’t want it to end!
Seven Ways We Lie by Riley Redgate
I only recently started this one but then got distracted by my book club book and just haven’t gone back to it. But I was really enjoying it and I’m very much looking forward to seeing where it goes!
How To Fall In Love by Cecelia Ahern
I started listening to this book but then got to a point when I didn’t want to listen to audiobooks anymore – despite the fact that the book was really gripping and intriguing!
Truthwitch by Susan Dennard
Really kicking myself for not having finished this book yet because I know I’m going to love it! I already am. But I got distracted and busy so I haven’t finished it yet. But I will… soon.
Ice Like Fire by Sara Raasch
I don’t actually remember why I stopped reading this one but I know that I was enjoying it so I’m hoping to finish this one soon too!
The Fire Sermon by Francesca Haig
This was a book I started a while ago and once again, I don’t remember why I stopped reading it but I do know that I was very much enjoying it and keep thinking about it lately – especially with the second one being released soon – so I am very much looking forward to finishing it!
Opal Plumstead by Jacqueline Wilson
Jacqueline Wilson is an author that I have loved since I was a child, so when I was given the chance to read her 100th book, I jumped on it. And it started really well and I am definitely interested in finishing it but it’s also a massive book and apparently my attention span just isn’t that great…
Finnikin of the Rock – Melina Marchetta
I started reading this book for book club and I had full intentions of finishing it but life got in the way and so I just sort of avoided the conversation at book club. Then apparently I just never continued the book after book club finished. I am very much hoping to do that very, very soon!
Never Sometimes Always by Adi Alsaid
I really, really, loved Adi’s first book and so I was certain that I wanted to read his second one. And I do. It’s just as addictive and interesting but for some reason I put it down and haven’t gone back to it. Shame on me, right? I will definitely be doing my best to finish this one shortly as well – I kind of have to know what happens next!
How To Speak Spook by Ally Kennan
I received this book from the wonderful people at Scholastic and it immediately caught my eye. If you know me, you’ll know the ghost stories or books with ghosts in are a favourite of mine. So I started reading it immedietly and instantly fell in love. It’s really intrguing and interesting and I keep thinking about it and wondering where the story will go next – so I’ll be answering that question soon for sure!
Deb Nance at Readerbuzz
My stack is huge, too. Seems to get bigger each day. Sigh. I really must stop and finish a book before I start a new one.
Haha, right? I am certain it’ll never happen for me. Lol. Too much of a mood reader!
I can only manage to read 2 books at a time — whatever I’m reading just for me and then whatever I’m reading with my 9 1/2 year old. I DO have one unfinished book that I’m chomping at the bit to get back to, though. I stopped reading my e-ARC of Jonathan Auxier’s Sophie Quire and the Last Storyguard because it was too good not to read the hardcover of. Digital is great for a lot of things but Auxier I just need to own outright :)
I am somewhat jealous of this! I really need to try and only read one or two books at once! Haha :)
Hannah @ Broc's Bookcase
I used to be so guilty of doing this too! I’m trying to be better at it though and I am now just sticking to one book at a time! I read Never Always Sometimes last year and liked it so I hope you get round to finishing that one soon! I really need to start Sara Raasch’s series, I have both books sat on my shelf just waiting to be started!
Yay! Glad to hear you got better, maybe this year I will to! Ooh, yay! I’m hoping to finish it this month! Yeees, you definitely should! :D
Michelle @ Pink Polka Dot Books
I am “currently reading” a lot of books also!! I have the same problem of starting books and getting distracted by other books… and reading just way too many books all at once. And sometimes it’s so hard to go back and finish something when you just want to move forward and start something new! I so feel you with this!!
Yes, exactly!! I am so glad I am not the only one that does this! Haha
Eva @ All Books Considered
I have a lot of unfinished books, some I’ve given up on and some I will try to return to– I haven’t read any on your list but I’ve heard Truthwitch is amazing!
Glad to hear I’m not the only one that does this! I have heard SO MANY good things about Truthwitch too and I am REALLY enjoying it thus far! :)