Two Year Blogoversary Blowout!

Hey All!
So tomorrow is my two-year blogoversary! *throws confetti*
I am still a little baffled over where all the time went, it really does feel like only yesterday that I wrote my very first post for the blog. But that’s just how life goes, isn’t it?
As it has been such a long time since I started blogging, I have decided that I wanted to do something really special to mark the event, and that has led me to doing lots of organising over the last few weeks so I can bring you something super amazing that I hope you will all really enjoy!
Over the next two weeks I will be bringing you lots of guest posts and interviews from fellow bloggers, authors and even people working within the publishing industry.
Along with this I also have a large pile of books and swag to giveaway to you my loyal followers!
So… here’s what I’m sure you’ve all been waiting for…
The Schedule!
* schedule subject to change *
Hope to see you there!
Anne C
Woot woot! Happy 2 years! This is going to be fun! :)
Faye (Daydreaming_Star)
Thank you Anne! :D
Vicky @ Books, Biscuits, and Tea
Happy blogoversary and here’s to many more! :)
Faye (Daydreaming_Star)
Thanks so much Vicky! :)
laura thomas
Happy Terrific Two!
I’ll be following along and wish you many more years of fun and exciting blogging!
Faye (Daydreaming_Star)
Awh :) Thanks so much Laura! Hope you like all the celebratory posts!
Lucy @ Queen of Contemporary
Really looking forward to reading the posts, Faye! Happy early blogoversary!
Faye (Daydreaming_Star)
Yay! Hope you enjoy them! Thank you Lucy! :)
Congratulations on your two year blog birthday *sends virtual cake*
What a fantastic line up! I am particularly excited by the guest posts you have planned. I can’t wait to read those by Cristin Terrill, Cassandra Rose Clarke and Claire McFall.