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Undertow by Callie Kingston (+Giveaway!)

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Hey Guys!
So today I am the tour stop for the Undertow book tour! I have for you a review in which I explain fully why this book is one you should read, and then there is also a giveaway for you to enter and win your own copy of the book.


Author: Callie Kingston
Publisher: Carolwood Press
Published: Jan 1st 2012
Pages: 286
Format: Ebook
Category: New Adult/Young Adult
Source: Complimentary Copy from Author for tour
Add It: Goodreads, Amazon, Smashwords


While she sleeps beside a log on the wild Oregon coast, a rogue wave pulls Marissa into the sea. Now she dreams each night of a merman who rescues her. Obsessed with returning to this beautiful creature, she again risks her life in the frigid ocean.
Will Marissa remain lost forever in the eddies of her mind, or can real love save her from the abyss? Sometimes, the dangers which lie within are the deadliest.

The Tide Rolls In
It would be impossible to start this review without mentioning that this book is not what you may expect it to be. Or, it wasn’t what I expected it to be, but in a good way. With my expectations blown out of the water, excuse the pun, this book took on a powerful and intriguing tone that had me truly captivated. I found myself needing to know what was going on, how would it all end up? I practically read this book in one sitting because I simply had to know. The story, the words, the characters, all had me completely and utterly mystified and I loved every second of the journey it took me on. There were a few issues I had with the book, but over all, it was one that kept me fascinated and interested and as soon as I finally finished it, I was left with a smirk on my face and a strong feeling towards the book I had just read.

The Waves Rush Over
There are some books that we read, that are intentionally trying to get us to think, they’re trying to point us in a direction and to give us words of advice and wisdom. Then there are the other books that simply do this by accident, leaving the reader stunned and mystified. In my opinion, Undertow, is the kind of book that creeps up on the reader at the end, not one that has a blatant message throughout it. This is what I liked about it. It wasn’t obvious or in your face, there were a lot of questions that the reader needs answered and these make it impossible not to turn the page and continue reading. Callie has definitely managed to write a story that allows the reader to be mystified by everything, not entirely certain as to where things are finally going to end up. It was well and truly captivating.

Weak Swimmers Drown
One of the things that I feel can make or break a novel, is the characters. While I wasn’t particularly fond of some of the secondary characters, I found Marissa to be truly fascinating to read. It was interesting to read a book in a perspective such as hers, to feel like the world is looking at you, thinking you’re acting crazy while showing the reader how sane it seems to the person. It was so interesting and intriguing and really made the story for me. Marissa had issues, she had recurring dreams, a horrid past and she was just trying to get through her life without drowning – both physically and emotionally. I loved her strength and her weaknesses and how it was possible to see through it all. She had a lot to deal with and she did it admirably.

Pulled Under
There were parts of the plot that I had issues with, the way that the characters handled our main protagonist irritated me, but I feel that this was supposed to happen. I only hoped that there could have been more of a way to see that things were changing at the end. I also wasn’t a fan of the way that Jim and Marissa got together. It wasn’t insta-love, which is one thing I really can’t stand, but it didn’t feel very natural to me and that was a little off-putting. Fortunately, however, these small snags with the plot didn’t stop me from reading and I feel that they’re likely to be cherished by other readers as the problems I had with them were all wholly personal. I also felt that it got a little slow towards the end of the book, I understood by the end that it was necessary, but I was tempted too many times to put the book down and not finish as I was nearing the end. It simply didn’t work for me at all. Until, that is, I got to the end and then everything that went on before it changed entirely as the ending was completely and utterly stunning.

By The Current
All in all, Undertow, was a book that I found entirely fascinating and one that I would recommend to others. It had its flaws and I can understand that this story is definitely one that will not be for everyone, but I personally found it to be a captivating and thought-provoking read. It kept me entertained, it was mysterious and it also dealt with a very serious and heavy topic. It may not be my most favourite read this year, but it is definitely one that will stick with me for a while and I feel it is one that others should at least give a go. I’m glad that I read this book, and I have a feeling that you will be too. It is a story that makes you think, with a strong protagonist, an interesting and intriguing plot and an ending that truly packs a punch. The writing and characters felt a little forced at times, but these are simply minor blips on the radar.

Three Stars
three out of five stars

** I received this copy from the publishers in exchange for an honest review. I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. **


Giveaway Details!

And for the moment you’ve all been waiting for, probably, details on how to get your hands on an e-copy of this book!
There will be one lucky winner and this is open Internationally!
To enter, all you need to do is comment below with a way to contact you (E-mail, Twitter, Goodreads, other).
Following is not necessary for this giveaway, but is always appreciated.
CLOSES: 26th Nov 2012
Please follow my Giveaway Policy


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