Weekly Highlights; 24/01/16

Hey All!
If you’ve been reading my blog for a while then you’ll know that I used to do Weekly Highlights on Sundays where I would talk a little bit about my week, highlight posts on this blog, highlight posts from other blogs and let you all know about some of the books that I received throughout the week too. I stopped doing it a while back due to time commitments but I have found that it was one of the posts that people like the most and I did really enjoy doing, so I’ve decided to bring it back. But it’s going to be a little different. This time my Weekly Highlights is literally going to be a post that highlights blog posts that I have seen around that I love and think deserve a little bit more love.
As I haven’t done one for a long while, this weeks highlights are going to go a little further back than one week but from this week on, it’ll only be covering links from the previous week. If you’ve seen a post, or written a post, that you love and would love for me to share, please do get in touch with me either in the comments below or via social media and if I love it too, I’ll make sure to highlight it!
And onwards to the links…
Lifestyle Posts
One of my friends Gracie has written a post this week about her tiredness after her radiation. It’s a very interesting post and reminds me how much strength she has. You can check it out here, and I also just think you should check out all of her posts because she is an incredible writer and wonderful person!
Another friend of mine, Caitlin, started a new blog recently which I urge you to check out fully too. It is documenting her life more realistically with her chronic illness. This post will show you how tough she has it while also showing how incredibly strong she is. I have to admit, I’m so proud and inspired by her and everything she does.
I know I just said you should read her entire blog above, but just in case you don’t, here is another post by Caitlin that you should definitely read. Sometimes the right footwear can make a world of difference.
I wasn’t sure whether to put this post under lifestyle or fitness but I think it fits better here. Katie talks about how people comment on things when you’re trying to be healthy. I thought it was a very interesting and true post that you should all read.
This week Andrew announced that he had organised a blog tour called “What Makes Us Human”. You can find that post here, and here are the few highlights I loved from the tour:
Chelle’s story of a Grandfather and Grandchild was incredibly moving and wonderful, I loved it!.
Laura talks about silver linings and what she believes makes us all human.
And lastly, Rhys talks about how fiction helps us.
Fitness Posts
This week Lucy told us about an opportunity that she received to go to Nice, France for Kalenji’s Blog Meet for European Runners. It’s a great post that you can find here.
In this post, Helen talks about how you can turn your shopping trips into a workout – great advice here!
Leona has written a very interesting post this week about Swimming Pools and the small things that make a huge difference. It definitely made me think. You can check it out here.
This week Elle has given her six tips for getting ready for a race day. Looks like some great advice to me! You can check it out in this post.
Blogging Posts
While scrolling through Twitter on Friday, I stumbled across this post and fell in love with it! Christie has written about what she’s learnt about blogging in 6 months and if you’re new or are thinking of starting blogging, this is the post you should read!
On the other side of the fence, Joe has written a post about the 27 things he’s learnt about blogging in his first year of blogging. You can see what he’s learnt here.
Another post I found on twitter talks about blogging, marketing and social media. It’s an inspiring post about rules and breaking them. You can find what Angela and Becca have to say in this post.
In this post you will find 6 ways successful bloggers are getting traffic. The perfect post if you’re new or trying to increase your reach!
And in this post you will find 5 common blogging mistakes to avoid – and I have to admit, I’m bad at number 1!!
Book Posts
Last week Stacey started her new feature Shelf Swaps with Jim as her first blogger. You can find out more about the feature and see Jim’s answers by reading this post. I’ve admittedly only read one book from the list so I’ll probably need to read all the others mentioned too!
Last week also saw a guest post from Perdita and Honor discussing Woodhouse books on Jim’s blog. You can read the fab exchange between them in this post.
An author that I love, Laura Lam, has done a brilliant interview this week on Mugglenet. You can read it and find out more about this wonderful author by reading this post.
If you’re looking for a book to read that is full of feminisim and what it actually stands for, you should definitely read this post. Really, I just think everyone should read the post.
Now I’ve not read Am I Normal Yet? but it is a book that is high on my to-read list and after reading this review of How Hard Can Love Be?, written by Debbie, it’s gone even higher up my to-read list!
Another book I keep meaning to read is Front Lines by Michael Grant. It sounds like a very “me” book but for some reason I haven’t gotten around to reading it yet. So when I stumbled across this review by Alisha, I instantly bumped Front Lines further up my to-read list because it sounds just as good as I’d hoped it would!
Graphic Novels are a type of book that I haven’t yet ventured in to reading. I’ve tried Manga but I haven’t quite mastered the courage to try graphic novels yet but when I read this post by Stacey, it definitely made me want to change that. Maybe this year will be the year I try my very first Graphic Novel.
This week Jess has started a new feature on her blog which I thought was quite cool. In the feature here, she has mini-reviews of books she’s loved listening to.
Social Media Posts
I found this post on twitter too and instantly shared it with friends so it seemed only fair to share it on here. If you’re new to Bookstagram or just want some tips, you should check out this post and follow Josephine for what are sure to be great tips!
This is just a little shout-out / reminder. The next #CountdownML will be happening tomorrow (25/01/2016)! You can find out more information about the chat in this post. And hopefully I’ll see you there!
And there you have it! Just some of the amazing posts I stumbled across this week. Are there any posts you’ve found this week that you’d like to share? Do share in the comments below – even if they’re just your own!
Hope you have a fab week!
Thank you so much for featuring my post, Faye! Nice surprise :)
No worries at all! :)
Vicky Charles
Thank you so much for featuring my post among so many brilliant reads!
You’re very welcome! :)
Thank you for featuring Shelf Swap! :)