Weekly Highlights

Weekly Highlights; Bout of Books Edition

weekly highlights

Weekly Highlights is a new feature here at A Daydreamer’s Thoughts and will be a post highlighting things that happened on and off the blog. It is inspired by The Story Sirens In My Mailbox, Books, Biscuit and Tea’s Showcase Sunday, Kimba Caffeinated’s Sunday Post, and the British Letterbox Love.

In the feature I won’t mention everything I received, nor every post I wrote during the week but will simply feature a selection of things I wish to spotlight a second time around.

Post Highlights

This week I have been participating in the bout of books read-a-thon which ends today! So far I have been doing fairly well on my goals and this makes me really happy! I didn’t get to post every day but I did get a fair few posts in which makes me happy! I have a fair few posts planned for next week too, just hope I can find the motivation/time to write them up! *fingers crossed*

If you want to check out my progress for the Bout of Books readathon, click here.

On Monday I hosted a cover reveal of Eversea by Natasha Boyd. Go check out the stunning cover and read an extract of the book here! (Don’t miss this!)

After a few weeks of not participating, I did another Top Ten Tuesday! but it was a bit different this week as I actually did a video entry for it! Feel free to have a look at it here!

I also did a Thursday’s Special Spotlight this week after a long while of not! Check out which book I choose here!

Blogger Spotlight

This week I also had my lovely blogger spotlight-er Raimy on the blog for her interview! To get to know more about her, just hop on over to this post!


Don’t miss out on my LGBT Giveaway! It ends tomorrow!

Around the Blogosphere

I haven’t had much time to read other peoples blogs this week as I’ve been too busy reading BUT I did get to watching some good booktubers videos this week and have highlighted a few below!

Watch This video to see Tom’s first video as a booktuber!
Everyone who loves Iron Man should watch this video! It is Heather’s review of Iron Man 3
How do you feel about Illustrations in books? This week Katie discussed them in this video.
And finally, I stumbled upon this AMAZING video this week and will be making a video response soon! I think it’s just a brilliant idea!

Also, there’s plenty of Bout-of-Books updates videos that have been going on, all of which have been great to watch! And there’s also plenty of update posts going on as well. Just have a look at all the linkys on this blog; here.

Letterbox Love


I went into The Works this week! If you do not know what this shop is, then I urge you to NEVER find out because it is DANGEROUS. With ludicrous 2 books for £3, it is very difficult to leave the store without ALL the books in your arms. And I even saw the entire (maybe not the last one) Soul Screamers series on offer and was SO tempted to just BUY THEM ALL right there. But I SOMEHOW restrained myself. I know, right? Anyway… I did not leave the store empty handed, I ended up buying four books, which I’m now going to show you!


Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi; I already own this on my kindle but I LOVE this cover and didn’t want to buy the second one to just sit on the shelf alone so, as it was in a deal, I bought this one too! Now I just need to read it…
Through the Ever Night by Veronica Rossi; As I haven’t yet read the first in this series, I may not want to read this book but I may also love the first book so I took my chances and grabbed the second one while I could!
Don’t Look Back by S. B. Hayes; I have never read any books by S. B. Hayes but this one seemed really spooky and interesting so thought I would give it a try!
Dead Cold by Louise Penny; This was one I bought without hearing anything about it which I have now discovered may not have been wise as it is the second in a series! Looks like I’ll be going off to find that first book now! haha.
Evanescent by Gabriella Lepore: This book was sent to me by the lovely author in return for a review. I have now finished this book and it is really good! Expect a review of it soon, but yes, this was a really great read and am so happy Gabriella was kind enough to send it my way!

I also completed my Avengers collection! (The new ones anyway). So this week I recieved; Thor, Captain America, and Avengers Assemble! This made my week! I am looking forward to watching them all through and yesterday I heard news of a Thor 2 and a television show called S.H.I.E.L.D.. They know how to keep us fans happy, eh? :D

And there you have it, my Weekly Highlights!

I hope to visit all posts of this manner, so feel free to link to your own IMMs, Sunday Showcase, Sunday Posts, Letterbox Loves or whatever it is you do below!

what did you get this week? what cool blog posts did you stumble upon? what are you waiting to happen this week?



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