Weekly Highlights

Weekly Highlights; The Blogoversary Edition

weekly highlights

Weekly Highlights is a new feature here at A Daydreamer’s Thoughts and will be a post highlighting things that happened on and off the blog. It is inspired by The Story Sirens In My Mailbox, Books, Biscuit and Tea’s Showcase Sunday, Kimba Caffeinated’s Sunday Post, and the British Letterbox Love.

In the feature I won’t mention everything I received, nor every post I wrote during the week but will simply feature a selection of things I wish to spotlight a second time around.

Post Highlights

A much better week this week than last week, if I do say so myself!

I posted TWO reviews this week;
If I Stay by Gayle Forman (Book & Movie)
Breakable by Tammara Webber (FIVE HEARTS)

I also participated in Top Ten Tuesday this week, picking authors I’ve only read once but need to read again. To see who I chose, click here

And finally, Monday marked my third year of blogging on this glorious blog! Find out what I had to say here.


This week I also posted a giveaway! You can win a signed copy of both Easy and Breakable by Tammara Webber!
The giveaway is open to UK ONLY.

To enter, simply follow this link and fill in the rafflecopter at the bottom of the post!

Good Luck!

Book Blogger UKYA Awards

UKYA Award


There are 20 different awards that need winners and a lot of bloggers helping out! The awards are grouped into five – so make sure to vote for them all!

Find out more about it all and get all the links in this post.

Around the Blogosphere

Lucy has admitted to having messy shelves! To have a look at them and to help her or even to share your own messy shelves, click here.

This week Amber took part in the Emoji Book Tag. I thought all her emoji’s and the books she chose were really great! Have a look at what she did here.

Daisy has been discussing the news about Zoella and her YA book. Why are youtube stars getting book deals? Is it all just a marketing ploy? Have a read over what Daisy says and have your own say in the discussion, here.

As a blogger it can be difficult to find the time to re-read books that we absolutely loved. So this week Sophie has listed the five books that she wants to re-read the most. Check out what she’s chosen in this post.

It’s September and things are all changing! And in the case of Cicely it means that she is about to start University. Now I’m one hundred percent sure she’s not the only one so if you’re starting university now too, head on over to this post to see that you’re probably not alone in your thoughts!

I have to admit, I love Leah’s feature of Harry Potter Moments but I also have to admit that I loved her post this week. She has chosen her favourite Dumbledore moment and I truly love the one she’s chosen. Check it out here.

Do you read, then check your twitter, then read, then check your twitter, then read… this week Jamie has told us all about how much of a distracted reader she is. I am a distracted reader too and is one of the reasons it can take me SO long to finish a book. I love this post so much and think you should check it out.

This week Charli has admitted to being a scaredy cat. Find out in which ways by reading her Bookish Confessionary post here.

Lori has also made a confession this week, she’s confessed that she’s finally starting to read contemporary literature. Check out what this means to her and the books she’s currently reading (and maybe even give her some suggestions!) by clicking here.

Letterbox Love


Another small selection of books this week, which is good as I have SO MANY to read at the moment!

Breaking Nova Salvage The Underwood See

Breaking Nova by Jessica Sorensen; This was a surprise post but one that I’m rather happy about. I love Jessica’s books and I’m definitely intrigued about a new series! I may need to finish at least one of her other series first though. Thanks to Little Brown for this book!

Salvage by Keren David; I’ve been wanting to read this for a while now so when it came into the library in pretty paperback format, I couldn’t resist borrowing it! Looking forward to seeing what I think about it.

The Underwood See by Michael Lawrence; The third and final book in the trilogy and the only one I haven’t read. Really looking forward to finally reaching this book and finally finishing this series once and for all!

Currently Reading

I read a few books at a time so I have decided that I want to showcase them a little on the blog and so from now on I thought I would tell you all what I’m currently reading (on Saturday/Sunday!)

This week I am currently reading;

Small Eternities BetterThanPerfect Cover Amy and Matthew Whispering Skull

And there you have it, my Weekly Highlights!

What Did You Get This Week? What Cool Blog Posts Did You Stumble Upon? What Are You Reading This Week?



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