Weekly Highlights

Weekly Highlights; The Late Edition

weekly highlights

Weekly Highlights is a new feature here at A Daydreamer’s Thoughts and will be a post highlighting things that happened on and off the blog. It is inspired by The Story Sirens In My Mailbox, Books, Biscuit and Tea’s Showcase Sunday, Kimba Caffeinated’s Sunday Post, and the British Letterbox Love.

In the feature I won’t mention everything I received, nor every post I wrote during the week but will simply feature a selection of things I wish to spotlight a second time around.

Post Highlights

I missed this post last week and it’s going up late this week as well because I’ve been crazy busy so here’s the highlights of the last two weeks for you all!

I posted SEVEN reviews;
The Frogspell Series by C. J. Busby (FOUR HEARTS)
Deception by C. J. Redwine (FIVE HEARTS)
Geek Girl: Model Misfit by Holly Smale (FIVE HEARTS)
Allegiant by Veronica Roth (THREE HEARTS)
Resist by Sarah Crossan (FOUR HEARTS)
Gripped by Jason Donnelly (FOUR HEARTS)
Darcy Burdock by Laura Dockrill (FOUR HEARTS)

Netgalley November

We’re now two weeks into November and so I’ve posted two updates. Check them out here;

Update #1
Update #2


So you may remember I am also doing NaNoWriMo this month but, unfortunately, it isn’t going as well as I planned. I come home from work and am too exhausted to do much more than read or watch television. So I’m a bit behind on my word count but I’ve still got my hopes up that I’ll find the time and energy to finish. Wish me luck?

Letterbox Love



The Forever of Ella and Micha by Jessica Sorensen; This came into the library and I simply had to take it out. I finished The Secret of Ella and Micha at the beginning of the year and I’m really looking forward to finishing it.

Grave Mercy by R. L. LaFevers; I got this book from the library as I got a recommendation from a friend. I’m really looking forward to finally reading it.

Matilda by Roald Dahl; So in the beginning of December I’m going to go and see Matilda the musical and so I decided that I wanted to re-read the book before I go and so I got it out of the library.

Forsaken by Jana Oliver; I haven’t read this series yet and after meeting Jana Oliver earlier this year, I’m really excited to start reading this one!

Geek Girl: Model Misfit by Holly Smale; I loved this book so much that I went to the store to buy myself a copy after reading it on Netgalley. I simply had to have the first and second book on my bookshelf.

Divergent by Veronica Roth; Because I was going to meet Veronica Roth and you could only get one book signed, I decided to buy this book in the UK paperback so that it matched my Insurgent copy. I’m actually really looking forward to re-reading this one next year.

Arthur: The Seeing Stone by Kevin Crossly-Holland; After finishing the Frogspell series, I was in a really big medieval mood when I came across this book in the library. Seeing that it was on audiobook, decided to give it a go. Think it’ll be a good book to try listening to!

Harry Potter 1 Harry Potter 2 Shadowplay The Almost Girl

Harry Potter and The Philospher’s Stone by J. K. Rowling; I got this in e-audiobook format from my library and have already listened to it. I loved being sucked into this story all over again and so I couldn’t help getting the next book in the series.

Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets by J. K. Rowling; Another e-audiobook from the library. Part-way through this one and just really enjoying this re-read.

Shadowplay by Laura Lam; This is a netgalley ebook and is the second book in the Pantomime series and I am really looking forward to continuing on this story.

The Almost Girl by Amalie Howard; As soon as I heard about this I knew that I simply had to read it. When I saw it on Netgalley, I instantly requested it and now that I have it, I know that I’ll be reading it very soon!

And there you have it, my Weekly Highlights!

I hope to visit all posts of this manner, so feel free to link to your own IMMs, Sunday Showcase, Sunday Posts, Letterbox Loves or whatever it is you do below!

what did you get this week? what cool blog posts did you stumble upon? what are you waiting to happen this week?



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