Books,  Weekly Highlights

Weekly Highlights; The Lot’s of Books Edition

weekly highlights

Weekly Highlights is a new feature here at A Daydreamer’s Thoughts and will be a post highlighting things that happened on and off the blog. It is inspired by The Story Sirens In My Mailbox, Books, Biscuit and Tea’s Showcase Sunday, Kimba Caffeinated’s Sunday Post, and the British Letterbox Love.

In the feature I won’t mention everything I received, nor every post I wrote during the week but will simply feature a selection of things I wish to spotlight a second time around.

Weekly Highlights

So I’ve missed a couple of these so once again, this is going to be highlighting a few weeks in one post.

I posted TWO reviews;
You Don’t Know Me by Sophia Bennett (FOUR HEARTS)
We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves by Karen Joy Fowler (FOUR HEARTS)

I also posted one top ten tuesday;
Sequels I Can’t Wait For

And I wrote a post about forgetting, and how frustrating it can be when it comes to books and reading. Find out what I mean and add your own thoughts, here.

And, in case you missed it, the month changed so I did a November Monthly Wrap-Up.


I haven’t posted a video in MONTHS. Because I’ve been far too busy but I posted a video on Friday! You can watch it here.

In other news, I have filmed one more video which just needs to be edited plus I have plans to film some more today so *fingers crossed* I’ll be vlogging more regulary again soon! Yay!

Around the Blogosphere

This week Lucy wrote a post with her “Christmas Wish List”, detailing all the things she wishes she could have but aren’t attainable for whatever reason. It’s really fun. Read what she’s put here.

Michelle has written about the books she would love to find under the Christmas tree this year, find out what they are here.

Jamie has done her annual bookish survey for everyone to fill out as and when they want to. You can find it here. I will definitely be doing this in the next few weeks!

And throughout this month Jim is hosting an #indieadvent event on his blog with a different post every day for 24 days! You should definitely check it out by clicking here and having a little stroll!

Letterbox Love


And this is where I come off as the crazy book lady!

Snow Like Ashes A Thousand Pieces of You The Oyster Catcher The Shock of the Fall

Snow Like Ashes by Sarah Raasch; I got this on Friday and I’ve already started reading it. I have been waiting for it ever since I heard about it! I think it’s going to be a very interesting read indeed. Thank you to Harper360 for this review copy!

A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray; I’m very intrigued by this one! It’ll be my first Claudia Gray and it just sounds so different and interesting. Thank you again to Harper360 for this one.

The Oyster Catcher by Jo Thomas; I’ve been in a bit of an adult kick lately and this one really caught my eye. Definitely looking forward to seeing if it’s a good one or not! Thank you to Headline for this review copy.

The Shock of the Fall by Nathan Filer; Everyone has been talking about this one and it’s won or been nominated for a lot of awards this year and so when I saw it was on offer, I decided that I’d give it a try and see what happens!

It Must Have Been THe Mistletoe The House We Grew Up In The Rosie Project Feed

It Must Have Been The Mistletoe by Judy Astley; It’s Christmas and I’m in the mood to read Christmas stories so when I saw this book on offer, I thought I why not? I’ve heard good things about this book and Judy Astley so I hope it’s as good as I hope!

The House We Grew Up In by Lisa Jewell; Another one bought because I’m in a bit of an adult kick lately. It sounds like the perfect book for me so I’m looking forward to seeing if I enjoy it!

The Rosie Project by Graeme Simison; This book had a HUGE reservation list at the library. Everyone thinks it’s a really funny story and everyone was dying to get their hands on the second book which just came out. So I decided to buy it and see what all the fuss is about!

Feed by Mira Grant; I have actually been wanting to read this one for years but never got around to doing so. When I saw we’d bought in a new copy of it for the library, I couldn’t help myself and took it out for borrowing! Looking forward to seeing what i think.

High and Dry Funny Girl Mayhem Lost dogs and lonely hearts

High & Dry by Sarah Skilton; This was a random purchase. Saw it on the shelf, thought it looked interesting and fell in love with the odd synopsis and the fact it had a male protagonist so I bought it. It was also during a 20% offer at Foyles so it was even better!

Funny Girl by Nick Hornby; I have only read one other Nick Hornby but I really liked it so when I heard about his newest book, I put my name on the reservation list at the library. Definitely looking forward to giving this book a go.

Mayhem by Sarah Pinborough; I have never read anything by Sarah Pinborough before but have heard a lot of people talking about her lately and so when I saw this on a crazily great deal in The Works last week, I had to buy it. Intrigued to see what she’s like!

Lost Dogs and Lonely Hearts by Lucy Dillon; Another book bought because of my adult kick. I’m very intrigued to see what this one is like!

Frozen Charlotte All The Bright Places The Here and Now 48790_One Step Closer To You_PB.indd

Frozen Charlotte by Alex Bell; I saw this book in the bookstore and I was instantly attracted to it. I love horror stories and thought this sounded like the perfect kind of creepy. But I put it down to buy other books instead. When I saw it on Netgalley a few days later, I had to request. I cannot wait to read this. Thank you to Stripes for this copy.

All The Bright Places by Jessica Niven; I saw this and I desperately wanted to read it. So very much looking forward to diving into this. Especially as I’ve already heard some good things about it! Thank you to Random House for the Netgalley copy!

The Here and Now by Ann Brashares; I heard “author of sisterhood of travelling pants” and stopped reading the synopsis and clicked “request”. I love those books and I’m really excited to see what this book is about. Also, the cover is gorgeous. Thanks to Hachette Children’s for this Netgalley book!

One Step Closer To You by Alice Peterson; Another one for my adult kick (are you seeing a pattern, getting a hint of what the new year may bring?). This one sounded perfect for me. I am definitely intrigued and look forward to seeing what this one is really all about.

SEE. Crazy books lady!

Currently Reading

I read a few books at a time so I have decided that I want to showcase them a little on the blog and so from now on I thought I would tell you all what I’m currently reading (on Saturday/Sunday!)

This week I am currently reading;

Snow Like Ashes Us Opal Plumstead The Walled City 2

And there you have it, my Weekly Highlights!

What Did You Get This Week? What Cool Blog Posts Did You Stumble Upon? What Are You Reading This Week?


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