Weekly Highlights

Weekly Highlights; The Pantomime Launch Edition

weekly highlights

Weekly Highlights is a new feature here at A Daydreamer’s Thoughts and will be a post highlighting things that happened on and off the blog. It is inspired by The Story Sirens In My Mailbox, Books, Biscuit and Tea’s Showcase Sunday, Kimba Caffeinated’s Sunday Post, and the British Letterbox Love.

In the feature I won’t mention everything I received, nor every post I wrote during the week but will simply feature a selection of things I wish to spotlight a second time around.

Post Highlights

I posted four reviews this week;
Mini Review: The Iron Daughter by Julie Kagawa (FOUR HEARTS)
Mini Review: The Iron Queen by Julie Kagawa (FOUR HEARTS)
Mini Review: The Iron Knight by Julie Kagawa (FIVE HEARTS)
The Lost Prince by Julie Kagawa (FOUR HEARTS)

On Monday this week I listed the films that I’m currently waiting to see in the cinema. You can see my choices here, and I’d love to hear yours!

My Special Spotlight this week was Insurgent by Veronica Roth. Go check out why I think you should read it by simply clicking here

I took a giant leap this week and wrote about my experiences of love for Behind the Blog. Give that post some love for me by clicking here. I’d be very grateful!

Yesterday was National Libraries Day, check out this post to find out why you should love YOUR library, and why I love mine!

Lastly, my blogger spotlight, Michelle, was on the blog for her interview, check out her awesome answers here

Around the Blogosphere

The lovely Gaby from EllaBee Reads wrote a discussion post on the awkwardness of meeting authors we love, it’s definitely worth a read. Check it out here

Something that we bloggers face a lot is rejections from publishers, Chey has written an interesting post on the topic here, why not stop by and add your two cents!

Jen has written a lovely post on her perfect day list, it’s really worth having a look at here.

Participating in memes is a very personal decision. So I found this post by Kailia about why she is no longer participating very intriguing. Check it out and tell her your thoughts here

As if I didn’t already adore Veronica Roth enough, this post just made me like her even more. I’d definitely give it a look over!

And, for something fun and interesting, here‘s a post of some brilliant bookish somecards.

Review Copy Cleanup

I have, unfortunately, had a bad start to the Review Copy Cleanup! I have read ONE book, and only half of another. I will need to read a lot more this week to stay on target I think! Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Bookish Events

Last week I was lucky enough to go the Hot Key Books and Templar Publishing Blogger Brunch which I semi-highlighted last week. I had an amazing day and met some amazing bloggers, authors and publicists. (And I got some books for some giveaways so keep your eyes peeled!)

2013-02-07 18.20.26This week I went to another bookish event, and that was the Launch of Pantomime by Laura Lam. I first met Gaby from EllaBee Reads for the first time ever (which resulted in me asking a few strangers, “are you Gaby?”) and then Daphne from Winged Reviews met us both and we headed downstairs where Laura was in the middle of an extract reading.

2013-02-07 17.43.28When that was over, the three of us stood in line to get our books signed, and when it came to meeting Laura we all stood and chatted to her for a short moment and it was really great fun and nice to get to know Laura. It was her first signing for her debut novel and she seemed really nice and lovely, and she is incredibly talented so it was nice to see!

With our new books signed, we hung around for a little while until my friend from uni arrived and then we headed off to a little diner across the road for dinner. It was great spending some time with bloggers, as it always is, as we got to be all excitable about books! It was definitely one of the highlights to my week.

signed pantomime

Upcoming on the Blog

On Valentine’s day I have the lovely Yelena Black on the blog as part of her blog tour for Dance of Shadows.

I should also have a review of Dance of Shadows as well (but depends on how well my reading week goes!)

Letterbox Love



With my amazon gift card that I won last month, I finally found some books that I really wanted in Amazon (that weren’t ebooks!) and thus I couldn’t resist adding them to my basket! I got Scorch by Gina Damico, From What I Remember by Stacey Kramer and Valerie Thomas and Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins. I’m really excited to read all of these!

Breathe Postcards

This week I was also kindly gifted three signed Breathe by Sarah Crossan Postcards! Looking forward to having this up on the wall in all their glory :D



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