Weekly Highlights

Weekly Highlights; The Sport Relief Edition

weekly highlights

Weekly Highlights is a new feature here at A Daydreamer’s Thoughts and will be a post highlighting things that happened on and off the blog. It is inspired by The Story Sirens In My Mailbox, Books, Biscuit and Tea’s Showcase Sunday, Kimba Caffeinated’s Sunday Post, and the British Letterbox Love.

In the feature I won’t mention everything I received, nor every post I wrote during the week but will simply feature a selection of things I wish to spotlight a second time around.

Post Highlights

So this week didn’t quite go according to plan blogging wise, I had a few more interesting posts planned for you but I just found myself far too tired to actually get them sorted – sorry! – but I think it was still a good week for the blog! I have another week of good things planned for next week and I hope to get them sorted in advance so they actually happen, fingers crossed and all that, eh?

This week I posted ONE review;
The Testing by Joelle Charbonneau (FOUR HEARTS)

I also did a wrap up of the blogger brunch I went to a few Saturday’s ago! To find out what happened and to see what books I am most looking forward to, click here.

There always amazing books out there just waiting to be read! This week I listed the top ten books on my Spring TBR pile! Find out what I should be reading soon, here.

On Youtube I started a tag! Since it’s been going so well, I’ve decided to bring it to blogs! To check it out and even join in on the fun, check this post out!

Noughts and Crosses Read-a-Long

Noughts&Crosses Read-a-long1

This week was the third week of the Noughts and Crosses Read-a-long! Which means that I have now finally re-read the first, second and third book in this series for the first time in years! (And it was awesome you guys, awesome.)

It also means that I’ve posted the first, second and third set of discussion questions.
You can find the first here.
The second ones here.
And the third ones here.

Don’t worry if you haven’t read the books yet, the questions can be answered at any time in the month!

Next week I’ll be reading;
Double Cross!

And don’t forget to tweet about your progress! (#readosandxs)

Sports Relief

Slightly off topic but today is the day I have been trying to train for, for the last few months! It is the day of the Sports Relief Mile – which in my case, is SIX miles.

It is very likely (if you’re reading this between 11 and 1) that while you read this, I am currently running/walking for six miles in aid of charity!

I don’t want anything from you, just wanted to share this with you because despite my weak ankle, I’m excited and just really looking forward to it!

However, if you would like to sponsor me, let me know in the comments or on twitter and I’ll send you my giving page!
But even if you just want to wish me luck, I’d really appreciate it! I’ve never run so far before!

Around The Blogosphere

The Shortlist for the Carneige Award was announced! Check out what M at We Sat Down has to say on the books who made it through, here.

Essentially social media is a great tool to help market blogs, but which ones are best and how do we use them to gain interaction? This is what Sarah is asking this week, head over to this post to have your say!

We all love books, (Or I presume you do if you read this blog!) but have you thought about having a bookish job? This week Sophie talks about the jobs there are, and I think you should definitely check out this post as it’s just really fun and cute!

Series. Series. Series. There are so many. They all do different things. They’re good. They’re bad. They just are. And this week Andye discusses why she never seems able to finish a series. It is definitely a post to read, check it out!

When to post reviews can be important. It can also feel disheartening if you feel like your review is just another on the pile. This week Andrea at Bookish discusses her thoughts on this and wants to hear from YOU. Read more about her thoughts here.

As readers, we’re all likely to have bad bookish habits. This week Jen has admitted to five of her habits. Find out what they are in this post!

Letterbox Love


This week I only bought one book! I feel very proud of this! I did, however, get a few books as gifts and borrowed a few too. But that’s okay!

Trouble by Non Pratt

Paradise by Joanna Nadin

She Is Not Invisible by Marcus Sedgewick

A Kiss in the Dark by Cat Clarke

Boy Nobody by Allen Zadoff

Killing God by Kevin Brooks

And there you have it, my Weekly Highlights!

I hope to visit all posts of this manner, so feel free to link to your own IMMs, Sunday Showcase, Sunday Posts, Letterbox Loves or whatever it is you do below!

what did you get this week? what cool blog posts did you stumble upon? what are you waiting to happen this week?



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