2013 Genre Variety Challenge; April Review Links
The Genre Variety Challenge is in its second month! Wahooo! :D
The sign ups will be open throughout the year and can be found by clicking here
This is where you can add your reviews for the month of April! Obviously this challenge isn’t really set out by “months” as such, so simply add all the reviews you do this month to this linky and then again in March, etc.
Remember to keep a track of your own process so you know how well you’ve done!
If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me
Good Luck!
Feedback Form & Giveaway
Because I have, potentially, been a bad host so far due to being so busy, I thought I would set up a feedback form this month so you can let me know your thoughts on this challenge as well as anything you want to be changed. Further more, I will be announcing a giveaway for challenge participants ONLY within the next few months and if you fill this in, you can get an extra entry! Cool, right? Now, what are ya waiting for? Tell me your thoughts!
One Comment
Vicky Hooper
I had such a busy weekend that I didn’t get round to putting my March book in the March linkup, so it’s in here instead! :-) Going to do your survey thingy now.