Books,  Four Stars,  Review,  YA

Snapshots by Patricia Lynne

Author: Patricia Lynne
Publisher: Self-Published
Published: July 18th 2012
Pages: Unknown
Format: e-book
Source: Review Copy from Author
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My name is Cyclop Blaine and I am a real person.
“You are mine.”
I am a real person: heedless of a childhood spent under the supervision of an old man I only know as Master.
“You belong to me.”
I am a real person: regardless of my teenage years bound by violence as the adoptive son of the Victory Street Gang’s leader.
“You will obey me.”
I am a real person: despite the visions I see in others’ eyes. Snapshots of their futures.
“You will cower before me.”
I am a real person: my life will be my own. I belong to no one.
“You. Are. MINE.”

Four Starsfour out of five hearts

There’s something different
The very first thing that everyone should be aware of before starting this review is just how imaginative this story is. I found it difficult to put down and when I wasn’t reading it, I kept going back to it. It is a novel that is unique and different and has an easy writing style that really helped to make the novel better. I would easily recommend this book to sci-fi fans but also to anyone who just wants something that’s a little different and has a really interesting and intriguing story.

The snapshots keep coming
It is the concept of this novel that really got me hooked on this story. The synopsis is strong and really caught my attention and made me really intrigued and this stayed throughout the novel as it was really shrouded in mystery. When the explanation finally came at the end of the book, I loved it. It made the story really brilliant and it was totally unexpected to me. I was really impressed and just so glad that the ending didn’t ruin the rest of the book.

Along with the concept, the plot of this book and the structure was really interesting. It follows the tale of Cyclop’s life set into two parts – almost. I found it really fascinating and page-turning. I was hooked on him, and I wanted to know what was going to happen next. I loved the subplots that went on alongside it all as well and just found that the structure and narrative was really creative and imaginative and just really worth reading.

It’s hidden in his eyes
I’ve already mentioned that I was hooked on Cyclop and it is therefore easy to say that I simply loved him. Every worry he had, every strength he had… he just felt so real and not at all like a 2D character. Patricia really managed to get in depth with his character and all of the issues that surrounded him. I loved how protective he was, how worried he got but how he tried to hide things from Amber because he cared about her so much. I just felt his humanity and his emotions and just knew that he was really well written character.

I had a few issues with Amber to begin with – I couldn’t even pinpoint why I didn’t like her but eventually I started to see her through Cyclop’s eyes and soon she became a more well-liked character in my eyes. She was strong, passionate and caring and she was worried about Cyclop and never stopped helping him. She seemed to be innocent and fragile but it turned out that there was a lot more to her hidden beneath and I quite liked that. She fit well with Cyclop and I was really happy with the way it all turned out.

I feel I should also mention some more secondary characters. I loved Daryll, I wanted to pick him up and hug him. I could understand everything he went through and just wished I could have made things easier for him. I adored Jacob. He was possibly the cutest character ever and I wanted to be his friend and spend lots of time with him. I also loved Keandra but I also really liked Nigel and felt for him and could understand him so well. It is clear to me that Patricia Lynne really knows how to write really well-rounded and heart-warming characters.

He stands tall
Overall this book is one that really kept me entertained. I adored the characters, felt my heart beating faster as I read their journey’s and just thoroughly enjoyed myself as I read the words on the page. It was a quick, easy and intelligent read that I would easily tell other people to read. The writing style was unique, as was the concept and I just really found myself hooked on every word on the page. Without repeating myself too much I will end the review here, letting you all know that this is one book that you really should pick up because who knows, you just may like it even more than I did!

*I received this book in return for an honest review *



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