Books,  Giveaway,  Guest Post,  YA

Snapshots Birthday Bash (+ Giveaway!)

Hey Guys!
Today I am here with a guest post from the lovely Patricia Lynne for the birthday of her first novel Snapshots.
You can find my review of this book here!

When Faye suggested I write about Snapshots’ first year being published, I cringed a little. From release day, it hasn’t had smooth sailing. In my excitement to release Snapshots, I stumbled and fell flat on my face.

I managed to pick myself up though and limped along with Snapshots, doing the best I could. It didn’t help that I was unemployed (a two hour a week job delivering papers isn’t really a job.) Marketing a book with no budget? Getting teeth pulled is easier. I found promotion where I could. There are plenty of sites that offer it for little or no cost. Thank you to all those sites! Some days I could do nothing for Snapshots. Bills needed to be paid and I had to eat. Sorry Cyc.

Things are better now. I have a day job and steady income that will make marketing my books much easier. *Day dreams about hitting the best sellers lists.* I can look back at Snapshots’ first year and appreciate the learning experiences I had. It was my struggling writer year and I survived it.

SNAPSHOTS FINAL My name is Cyclop Blaine and I am a real person.
“You are mine.”
I am a real person: heedless of a childhood spent under the supervision of an old man I only know as Master.
“You belong to me.”
I am a real person: regardless of my teenage years bound by violence as the adoptive son of the Victory Street Gang’s leader.
“You will obey me.”
I am a real person: despite the visions I see in others’ eyes. Snapshots of their futures.
“You will cower before me.”
I am a real person: my life will be my own. I belong to no one.
“You. Are. MINE.”

Amazon. Amazon UK. Barnes & Noble. Smashwords. Kobo. iTunes. Sony eBooks.

Author Pic - Patricia LynnePatricia Lynne never set out to become a writer. In fact, she never considered it an option during high school and college. She was more of an art and band geek. Some stories are meant to be told and now she can’t stop writing. Patricia lives with her husband in Michigan, hopes one day to have what will resemble a small petting zoo and has a fondness for dying her hair the colors of the rainbow.

Twitter. Facebook. Goodreads.


One lucky winner will win an e-book of Snapshots!

To enter, simply fill out the rafflecopter below!

– It is not necessary to follow my blog but is always appreciated
– The ebook is being provided by Patricia Lynne who reserves the right to terminate the giveaway at any point.
– Winners will be e-mailed and will have 72 hours to respond before another winner is chosen.
– E-mail addresses will ONLY be used for contacting winners and will be deleted after the giveaway.
ENDS; 5th August

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  • Rebekah Loper

    *waves hi to Faye from the birthday bash*

    Honestly, the up-front costs one has to put into self-publishing (and especially the effort that has to be put into marketing) is one of the reasons why I’m going to do everything I can to aim for traditional publishing first.

    If nothing pans out from that… then I’ll start doing research into self-publishing.

    But there’s no way right now, budget-wise, that hubby and I could squeeze enough money out to self-publish a book. Needing money sucks sometimes, lol.

    Regardless, I think Snapshots is going to do well. So what if some things are coming a year late – it’s still a published book, and that’s what matters!

    • Patricia Lynne

      Yeah, money is tricky when it comes to self publishing. Right now, I’m saving up for Out of Secrets because I’m trying to avoid using my credit card for the costs of editing and cover art.

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