#ARCAttack and #AroAceApril; My TBR
#ARCAttack and #AroAceApril; My TBR
Hi all!
Today I am here to share with you all my TBR for #ARCAttack and #AroAceApril!
#ARCAttack is being hosted by the lovely Vicky. The aim of #ARCAttack is to tackle your ARC pile throughout the month of April! However, as I am also doing #AroAceApril, I won’t just be reading ARCs this month but I am going to dedicate a majority of the month to them!
#AroAceApril is being hosted by the wonderful Imi and Ellie. The aim of this challenge is to read – or photograph – as many Aro and/or Ace books as you can. As above, I won’t be able to dedicate the whole month to this but I am hoping to read at least two books with Aro/Ace Rec.
The #ARCAttack TBR
Without further ado, here are the books I plan to read this month which fall under the #ARCAttack challenge! (Note: There will be some crossover!)
Also, I will in no way be able to read all of these books but I always like having a nice selection to choose from!
(Click the cover to go to Goodreads)
The #AroAceApril TBR
As above, these are the books I would like to read this month for #AroAceApril. However, I will probably not get anywhere near close to finishing all of these!
(Click the cover to go to Goodreads)
So there you have it! A nice *cough*small*cough* selection of books for me to try and read this month!
I am slightly cheating because I have already started Vicious and it is also a re-read but um… I don’t care?
Are you participating? What is on your TBR this month?
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