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Author Interview: Peter Aengenheister

Author Interview: Peter Aengenheister

Today is my stop on the Armour Piercing blog tour and I am pleased to welcome Peter Aengenheister on to the blog with a quick interview! He’s come up with some brilliant answers!


What is your favourite thing about writing books?
There are two things which really galvanise me – being able to live the thoughts and feelings of your favourite characters, which is easy to get absorbed into (because you created them), and then there is the research. Making sure that things are as accurate as they possibly can be, which gives the work authenticity

Who is your favourite character in your book and why?
My favourite character has to be my lead man, Pete Armour because I assimilate with him the most – perhaps it is an indication of something in me. Perhaps it is not so much that I created a character but have given a reflection of me. Oh dear!

What is your favourite drink to consume while writing?
That’s easy, bourbon (JD, Jim Beam, Old Samuel or Western Gold)…. and coke. If I can I like to have a couple, and then start writing about 10pm…. and keep going til I drop

Do you have any bad habits while you’re writing?
… What more…? Yeah, I don’t get enough sleep. The worst time was actually falling asleep while I was talking!

How do you research books?
Painstakingly. I often come back to a piece to add the detail, but there’s nothing worse that getting facts terribly wrong because you couldn’t be bothered to check.

Are you a plotter or a pantser?
Seat of my pants every time – for a start, I don’t write these things and I’m not too sure where they come from… they just appear as I write. It’s a bit of a mystery really, but it tends to work out well when I read it back.

If you could live in any fictional world, which would you choose and why?
I have to say the world of the film Avatar was amazing (without the jackbooted characters of course). The spiritual aspects of the way the indigenous people lived and their relationship to nature, greatly appealed to me, and I could live there!.

If you could befriend any fictional character, who would you choose and why?
If you mean apart from Lara Croft, Evelyn Salt, Mrs. Smith or Maleficient, I would probably go for Indiana Jones. In almost all circumstances (apart from a pit of snakes), he is the guy to have around if you are going to share an adventure… Funny, resourceful and incredibly knowledgeable… hard to beat!

About the book

A defecting Russian space scientist, awaiting debrief, is in a Warwickshire safe house that comes under attack by an assassination squad. He escapes with plans for a conspiracy involving key members of secret services across the Western world. The only person he knows in the UK, or could possibly trust, is Pete Armour, the man who was to be his de-briefer. Killed before he can reach safety, he has hidden the secret papers where only Armour could ever find them. Armour becomes the target when he and a female newspaper reporter find themselves thrust together and on the run from at least two secret service agencies and British Intelligence, who seem more hell bent on killing him than helping him. And there is a price to pay. There’s always a price to pay. This is the first of the Armour trilogy. A gripping read. Fast-paced, a thriller packed with action, twists and turns.

About the Author

Peter Aengenheister was born in Amersham, Bucks. At the age of 18, Peter became a trainee reporter at weekly The Bucks Herald in Aylesbury and the Buckingham Advertiser. Over the next three decades, Peter worked as a reporter, News Editor, Sub Editor and Editor. He worked at The Chronicle and Echo for nine years, and edited the Daventry Express and Rugby Advertiser for nine years a piece.

He then left journalism to work as a fully trained clinical hypno-therapist. Since then, with one of his colleagues, he set up a business selling LED lighting to the industrial and commercial sector. Despite writing stories on a daily basis during his 36 years in journalism, ARMOUR PIERCING is his debut novel.


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