Article,  Behind the Blog

Behind The Blog #43; Setting It Free <3


Behind the Blog is a meme to help bloggers connect their life and interests to the content showcased on their blog. The co-hosts, Faye, Kathe, and Melissa will provide a different topic, idea, or question every week that bloggers can relate to themselves and the books, films, or other media they find interesting!

Behind The Blog has been a great meme for Melissa, Kathe, and I over the past year but this Friday we will be posting our very last post for the meme. It has connected us, and we have joined bringing personal posts to our blog but due to unforeseen circumstances we’re going to stop posting the meme. We thank you for all of your wonderful comments and views on all of our Behind The Blog topics and we thank everyone who has joined in along the way as well. For this post we will be posting our memories of the meme, some of our favourite topics and others of the like. We hope it’ll be a great way to give it a good send off.

I really wanted this post to be the perfect post to say goodbye to Behind the Blog. I had so many things I wanted to say, so many memories that I wanted to share but as I sat down to write it all, I just found it too difficult to do so. Instead, I’m just going to talk about how much this meme has meant to me. This meme has been a really great one and I remember when Kathe and I posted the very first topic and how excited I was to just get it out there that I forgot that very few people respond to a post THE MINUTE it airs. I also knew it would take a while to be seen by others anyway, but that didn’t stop the excitement from leaving me every friday when I sat down to write a new topic for the week. A way of showing each and every one of my amazing followers something honest and true to me.

Every week I would be a mix of anxious and excited about the meme. I was usually excited to share my life and my views with my followers, wanting to let them get to know me just a little bit better while at the same time I was anxious about putting my life out there in that way. While blogging for books and movies your personality and a little bit of you does shine through, it’s never the same as how personal we made BTB. But despite all of that, I really enjoyed it. I liked sharing a piece of me that I wouldn’t normally and being able to connect with people in that way so it has definitely made me sad to finally put this meme on the shelf but it needed to happen at some point.

But really the best part about the meme was getting to know more about my co-hosts and everyone who participated in the meme. I really enjoyed reading every single post, of seeing more of their lives and starting to feel like I was making friends in a way. And with my co-host I certainly made friends. I adore Melissa to pieces and sometimes wish I could just jump on a plane and spend lots of time with her because she is absolutely lovely, has a brilliant sounding life and is just super amazing. Kathe is someone I’ve known for years and she KNOWS how much I need her in my life and wish to be near her all the time, but this definitely brought us even closer.

I loved all of the different topics that my co-hosts thought up for us, it was always exciting to see what I would be talking about each week. I also liked coming up with my own ideas. It gave me something to think about and made me stretch my mind a bit, to not only think of topics but also for media that it would work alongside. While it was also the hardest part, I just really liked that it made me think creatively about things and has even helped me in some of my side writing which is always really great. I hope that I continue this creative passion to think of topics even without BTB to keep me going.

Finally I want to thank both Melissa and Kathe for joining me on this fun adventure that we had. It took us to many different places, joined us together, and connected us with all of you out there as well and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I am writing this post while trying to keep all my emotions in tact because I know I’m going to miss BTB despite everything, but it is just time to put it to rest. I also want to thank everyone who ever took the time to participate and everyone who took the time to comment. You guys mean the world to me. <3


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Are you joining us? Here are our rules:

  • The hosts’ Behind the Blog posts go live at midnight on Friday, GMT+0:00. Feel free to post before that, just link up on Friday!
  • Feel free to make use of the button shown above, or if it clashes with your blog colours e-mail us or make your own.
  • Read, write, and connect! The Linky is there for you. Make use of it!
  • Last but not least, have fun!


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