Behind the Blog

Behind the Blog #9 – Stormy Times Ahead


Behind the Blog is a meme to help bloggers connect their life and interests to the content showcased on their blog. The co-hosts, Faye, Kathe, and Melissa will provide a different topic, idea, or question every week that bloggers can relate to themselves and the books, films, or other media they find interesting!

This week, because we want you to have a little freedom with this, we’re having a FREE CHOICE week. This means that you may write about whichever topic you want to! Want to talk about a topic you missed? Go ahead! Want to discuss a topic you’ve been waiting to appear? Get on it!. Be free with it.
Also, if this works well, we will have more free choice weeks in the future and would love your feedback, so please e-mail us any thoughts or questions you have.

In all honesty, it took me a while to think of a topic to write about today. I know what topics will be coming up in the next few weeks so I wanted to write something different but didn’t want to ruin any future topics that haven’t been decided yet either. Fortunately I finally decided on something that I hope will not change any future things. This week I have decided to talk to you all about rain.

Growing up in England, it is fair to say that I have seen my fair share of rain. Every year we have rainfall at some point and often it seems that it will never stop. Even on sunny days we sometimes have a burst of rain for absolutely no reason other than the weather just decided that was how it wanted to behave. That being said, I certainly haven’t seen the last of rain, and I’m particularly happy about this too.


Because I love rain. Not just a light drizzle either, I love torrential downpours and storms and hail and days when you get stuck inside warming up in front of the fire. Of course, english storms aren’t always that dangerous – especially not the ones I’ve encountered – so there’s a large chance that this is the reason behind my love of rain. But yes, I really, really, love it. Sometimes I moan and groan – “not rain again” but mostly I just can’t get enough of the stuff.

I hate umbrellas. Okay, well, maybe not hate but I have a large and unexplainable fear of the item. Whenever I’m near one I always fear that I will get poked in the eye – and it has almost happened on too many occasions – or I will fear that I will get struck by lightening. So when it’s raining I’m usually the one that is walking without an umbrella with my hood down. This definitely happened more when I was younger and I didn’t care so much about my hair and looking “pretty” but as I’ve grown older I am now putting my coat hood up a bit more – especially if I’ve just straightened my hair!

But yes. I have always loved the water erupting from the sky. I can’t quite explain why except that I’ve always loved anything to do with water so assume that has to have some reason for it. I also like the mystery and danger that storms bring and I love sitting in a warm house with hot chocolate (and a good book) to escape the terrible weather outside. Where could you go wrong in that scenario?

What about you? Are you rain lover? Hater? Do you use an umbrella?

Books that reference storms well or have something to do with rain that I have read and really enjoyed;

  • Kissing The Rain by Kevin Brooks; if you don’t know yet, Kevin is one of my favourite authors and this book of his is simply amazing.
  • Storm by Brigid Kemmerer; couldn’t not mention this book, it is inspiring!
  • Struck by Jennifer Bosworth; while the story had on-and-off qualities, the idea that the girl loves lightening was pretty awesome to read!
  • The Witches of the Glass Castle by Gabriella Lepore; I loved this story so much and the storms in it were really interesting to read about.

Films that have some great scenes in rain or storms;

  • 27 Dresses; the argument scene in the car was hilarious and just made better as the rain crashed down against the windscreen
  • Twister; I have always, and probably always will, loved this film.
  • Harry Potter; the storm outside the small hut before Harry finds out he’s a wizard is just so perfect, no?
  • Shutter Island; the storm sequence in this film was marvellous and just fit so well with the story.

I am sure there are sooo many more books and films but I am tired and my brain isn’t letting me think properly tonight so I’m leaving it at that! If you think of any good’uns though, feel free to comment!

But now that you’ve got to here, why don’t you join us!
Behind the Blog is a new meme for bloggers themselves. To find out more, check out the introduction on my blog or that on Kathe’s.
Are you joining us? Here are our rules:

  • The hosts’ Behind the Blog posts go live at midnight on Friday, GMT + 0:00. Feel free to post before that and then just link up on Friday!
  • Feel free to make use of the button shown above or, if it clashes with your blog colors, e-mail us or make your own.
  • Read, write, and connect! The Linky is there for you. Make use of it!
  • Last but not the least, have fun!


  • alexandrasscribblings

    Ahhh, Faye, I love this post!
    Seriously? I think I’ve mentioned this once…or twice…or three times… but I ADORE the rain.
    When we were living in Africa and the rains came, my younger brother and I used to put on our swimmers and run around, until we were utterly drenched and utterly happy. They’re some of my favourite childhood memories. And I still like running in the rain (but with more clothes on now). It’s like…soul food. Like I can go months and months and then the rain will come and suddenly my skin craves it and I just NEED to be out in it.
    I very, very briefly went off the rain earlier this year, when torrential rain where I’m currently living caused my car to flood and die and I had to catch the bus and be harrassed by creepy strangers. But we’re friends again now, the rain and me.
    And of the four books you mention, I’ve only read one of them (Storm). Clearly, my To-Read pile needs some expanding.

  • Ashna Banga

    Wonderful post Faye! Coincidentally, we had the season’s first rain here today and it was literally a storm! I don’t know.. I had a really hectic day and it rained when I reached my station (Metro trains) and I had an umbrella but didn’t use it! :P I was completely drenched within seconds! But I loved it.. it’s kind of soothing. :)

  • Melissa

    I absolutely adore the rain. It’s my favorite kind of weather because it’s perfect book weather. I love to snuggle under a blanket, listen to the rain outside and read a good book.

    I don’t hate umbrellas, but I don’t use them. Mainly because I can’t walk and carry an umbrella at the same time. That’s probably one of the reasons my love for rain developed in the first place. :)

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