Book Tour,  Books,  YA

Blog Tour Release Day Blitz!

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Hey Guys!
I’m here today to celebrate the release of Glaze by Kim Curran! Find out all the info on the book below along with an exclusive excerpt!
And don’t forget to enter the giveaway!

Glaze Petri Quinn is counting down the days till she turns 16 and can get on GLAZE – the ultimate social network that is bringing the whole world together into one global family. But when a peaceful government protest turns into a full-blown riot with Petri shouldering the blame, she’s handed a ban. Her life is over before it’s even started.

Desperate to be a part of the hooked-up society, Petri finds an underground hacker group and gets a black market chip fitted. But this chip has a problem: it has no filter and no off switch. Petri can see everything happening on GLAZE, all the time. Including things she was never meant to see.

As her life is plunged into danger, Petri is faced with a choice. Join GLAZE… or destroy it.

Goodreads. Limited HB Edition. Amazon Kindle.

Ordinary Excerpt

‘So, Petri. What have you brought me?’ Logan says, stroking Proxy’s ears.

I reach into my pocket and pull out the crumpled ball of tissue paper. Logan goes to snatch it out of my hand, but I’m faster.

‘First, the deal. I want on to Glaze. And I want the CDO wiped.’

‘No problem.’

‘And I want it now. No more waiting. I want to be sixteen. Now. You can do that, can’t you? Fix my files?’

‘Given I’ll be creating a false identity for you, I can make you any age you want.’ He reaches his hand out.

‘And Ryan.’ I don’t really know why I’m doing this. It’s not like I owe him anything. But I can’t bear the thought of seeing him when I’m on and he’s not. This way it’s a clean slate. That’s what I’m telling myself anyway. ‘Ryan back on too.’

Logan shakes his head. ‘Why do you care what happens to that reprobate? He’s using you, you know that right?’

I remember the kiss in the elevator and the way he looked at me. Was that all a show? Isn’t everything?

‘Ryan too,’ I say, with a shrug.

‘You’re asking a lot there, kid.’

‘And I’m giving you a lot too. I’ve been looking into it. WhiteInc have DNA-protected access. You get the DNA sequence of someone with authorisation and you have access to Glaze.’

Logan and the twins share a look. They’d been hoping to keep that little fact from me. I ignore the guilt that’s making my cheeks burn and my stomach roil. Zizi will never find out it was me. Besides, if I don’t help them, they’ll only find another way in. I want to believe this. I have to believe it. I think about living the rest of my life surrounded by silence, banished from all human contact. It has to be worth the risk.

Exclusive Excerpt

I still flinch at every speed camera, CCTV and drone. There seem to be hundreds of them. Watching me. I never realised how many there were, monitoring our every movement. Some cultures used to think cameras took our souls. Maybe that’s what’s happened to us. Maybe our need to document our every thought, our every emotion, has robbed us of everything. Stripped us down to nothing but pixels on a screen.

I crane my head to watch a drone buzz by overhead, wondering how many souls it’s captured tonight. I don’t see the car coming.

Kim Pic Dublin-born Kim Curran is the award-nominated author of books for young adults, including Shift, Control and Delete.
She studied Philosophy & Literature at university with the plan of being paid big bucks to think deep thoughts. While that never quite worked out, she did land a job as a junior copywriter with an ad agency a week after graduating. She’s worked in advertising ever since and is obsessed with the power of the media on young minds. She is a mentor at the Ministry of Stories and for the WoMentoring Project. And lives in London with her husband and too many books.

To find out more visit

Twitter. Facebook. Goodreads. Youtube.

There is a tour wide giveaway during the tour.

Hardback copy of GLAZE signed by the author and cover designer
Signed copies of Shift & Control
Glaze Bookmarks
Glaze badges
Meet with Kim Curran or Skype chat if not able to come to London.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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