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Blog Tour: The Couple Next Door By Shari Lapena

The Couple Next Door by Shari Lapena

Hi All!

Today is my stop on the blog tour for The Couple Next Door by Shari Lapena and I am here to tell you all my thoughts on this Thriller book!

But first, here’s some information about the book!

The Couple Next Door You never know what’s happening on the other side of the wall.
Your neighbour told you that she didn’t want your six-month-old daughter at the dinner party. Nothing personal, she just couldn’t stand her crying.

Your husband said it would be fine. After all, you only live next door. You’ll have the baby monitor and you’ll take it in turns to go back every half hour.

Your daughter was sleeping when you checked on her last. But now, as you race up the stairs in your deathly quiet house, your worst fears are realized. She’s gone.

You’ve never had to call the police before. But now they’re in your home, and who knows what they’ll find there.

What would you be capable of, when pushed past your limit?

Goodreads. Amazon UK.

My Review

How Do

What first drew me to the book was the subject matter. A six-month old baby has been left alone in a house and while alone, it has been kidnapped. It sounded addictive, worrying and emotional and I simply had to find out what had happened. As the book flows through the storyline, you’re thrown from one suspicion to the next, truly unable to make a conclusion on what has actually happened until the very end. I absolutely loved that I was completely thrown by the final conclusion but thrown even further by the final chapter of the book. That definitely made the book that much more interesting. Shari has written a book with a very intense plot that really keeps the reader hooked.

You Find

What first drew me to the book was the subject matter. A six-month old baby has been left alone in a house and while alone, it has been kidnapped. It sounded addictive, worrying and emotional and I simply had to find out what had happened. As the book flows through the storyline, you’re thrown from one suspicion to the next, truly unable to make a conclusion on what has actually happened until the very end. I absolutely loved that I was completely thrown by the final conclusion but thrown even further by the final chapter of the book. That definitely made the book that much more interesting. Shari has written a book with a very intense plot that really keeps the reader hooked.

Your Baby

It can be tough with thrillers to really get into the heart of the characters but that is not a problem with this book. All of the characters have interesting backgrounds and stories which all come to light as motives are thrown around. The emotional state of the parents felt raw and real, the strength and weaknesses that flow from them were realistic and helped to make them more rounded charatcters. Even the grandparents were really well written as well. I connected so much to Anne as you witness her heart breaking over and over again. I cannot even imagine how terrible it must be to lose your baby. Marco was also a character that I felt for. He carried the weight on his shoulders and it was really interesting to see how he dealt with everything.

With No Clues

Overall, this book is addictive, conniving and fascinating. It pulls you in one direction and then spins you in another; a true rollarcoaster of a read that made it a brilliant read. I was constantly guessing what had happened and continuously getting it wrong. I loved how the narrative played out as well. Just getting to an interesting revelation but instead of revealing it, moving to a different character to keep you interested in the story. It was a brilliant thriller novel that will keep you on the edge of your seat as you read with an ending that will quite literally take your breath away. I would highly recommend this book if you like thrillers that fully take away from the real world.

Four Stars

** I received this copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. **

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