Blogger Spotlight,  Interview

Blogger Spotlight – INTERVIEW!


Hey Guys!
So today I have a wonderful interview for you all with the lovely Laura from Bookish Treasures. I hope it lets you get to know her better so that you may decide to go and check out her blog!
Hope you enjoy.

Tell us a little something about yourself!
Hi :) My name is Laura and i am a chemistry student who lives in the UK though i really want to go into a career in publishing. I love books (kind of goes without saying) and when i am not in lectures i am usually reading.

How long have you had your blog?
I started my blog in January of this year so i am still a blogging newbie.

Do you enjoy running your blog?
Most certainly. If i didn’t love it so much there would be no way i could do it. I takes time and effort and with all my University work i am often rushed for time.

When you started, did you ever think that it would end up the way it has?
Well i’m still relatively new but my blog does seem to have grown quite fast. From my first day of blogging i have had people reading and commenting on my posts. Part of me was excpecting to just be posting things that no one was reading for at least a few months. I was also really suprised at how quickly i started recieving review requests; i think it was the day after my first post. Every day i am thankful about how quickly the book blogging community accepted me.

Is there an interesting background story to the name of your blog, if there is, tell us!
There actually is. I knew that i was going to start a blog about 8 months before i actually started blogging and the majority of that time time was spent trying to think of the perfect name. I wanted something unique, that made it obvious it was a blog about books and was just a good memorable name. For a very long time it was going to be called “Loopy About Books” simply because it fit quite well with my twitter name and there also wasn’t any blogs with similar names that already existed. I later decided that i just really hated that name so i needed to come up with something else. That is when i discovered just how many names are already taken. Most aren’t even active blogs and just had 1 post several years ago but the name still isn’t available to use. I finally settled on a name and blogger url i liked and i had checked on google to see if there was already a blog with a similar name but i couldn’t find anything. My blog was very nearly called “Books To Fall In Love With”. In December i went to create my blog and decided to do one last google search. To my horror a blog with a similar name came up. I really didn’t wan’t to have a name that was close to what someone already had as i had seen how sad some bloggers got when a new blog started with a similar name to theirs.

At this point i decided that i needed a little help as i had exausted all of my name ideas. That is when i decided to ask an amazing blogger friend Faye :P If i recall correctly the conversation went something like this “I can’t think of a blog name, help.” “What sort of name do you want?” “Something that makes it obvious it is a book blog.” “What about Bookish Treasures?” I instantly loved the name and after lots of searching i couldn’t find any other blog names that were similar so Bookish Treasures is what my blog became :)

As we’ve got this far without mentioning it, why not tell us a little something about your blog, what you post, how it runs, who you cater to, etc.
My blog primarily focuses on YA and NA books though there will be the occasional Adult romance or fantasy novel. I try to have lots of author interviews and guest posts on my blog as well as just reviews.

Do you participate or host and blog memes? If you do, which is your favourite?
I participate in two memes, Showcase Sunday and Waiting on Wednesday. Its hard to pick a favourite. I love Showcase Sunday as i like sharing the books i have recieved and it is also a great way to bring attention to books i have recieved to review but may not be able to read for a while. Waiting on Wednesday is a great way to share my excitement for an upcoming release and i always love discovering new books on other peoples blogs because of this meme.

What about blog tours and blog hops? Have you ever or do you ever want to participate in them?
I participate in blog tours and i love doing so. They are a good way to review great books and have guest posts from brilliant authors.

What is the best book you read in 2012?
There are two – Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi and Taking Chances by Molly McAdams (i know some people hated this book but i truly loved it).

What about so far in 2013?
Either Fast-Tracked bt Tracy Rozzlynn or Stitch by Samantha Durante. Both are amazing dystopian novels.

Has there ever been a book that you haven’t been able to finish? If so, what was it? And why couldn’t you finish?
There have been a couple of books i have been unable to finish the most recent being Deadly Kisses by Kerri Cuevas. There wasn’t really anything wrong with the book i just couldn’t connect with it. I found that i was having to force myself to read it and i didn’t really care what happened next so i just gave up reading it. One book that i never finished but will one day is Brave New World. It’s great but i was very young when i first tried to read it and it started to really creep me out. Now that i am older i will definately have to read the entire book.

What is your favourite book genre?
Anything that is NA. Mainly contemporary NA and paranormal NA as they are the two most common genres. I am also a huge fan of YA dystopian novels. Although stangely my top 10 favourite books are all fantasy novels. I think a fantasy when written amazingly is unbeatable.

Quick Fire Round

ebook or hardcopy?
Hard copy. I love my kindle but nothing beats holding a real book and seeing it on my bookshelves.

ya or adult?
New Adult :P

vampires or werewolves?
Werewolves. I just love any type of shifter.

chocolate or vanilla?

harry potter or twilight?
Harry Potter.

four or peeta?

series or single?
Series. As long as it isn’t too long, i’d rather not read a 20 book series.

blogger or wordpress?

And finally, Is there anything else you would like to say about you or your blog?
If you like the sound of my blog please pop over and say hello. I am very friendly :)

Thank you for all of your lovely answers Laura! It’s been great getting to know you better. If you’d like to see more of Laura, why not head over to her blog and consider following her?



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