Weekly Highlights

Weekly Highlights; The “I’m Back!” Edition

weekly highlights

Weekly Highlights is a new feature here at A Daydreamer’s Thoughts and will be a post highlighting things that happened on and off the blog. It is inspired by The Story Sirens In My Mailbox, Books, Biscuit and Tea’s Showcase Sunday, Kimba Caffeinated’s Sunday Post, and the British Letterbox Love.

In the feature I won’t mention everything I received, nor every post I wrote during the week but will simply feature a selection of things I wish to spotlight a second time around.

Post Highlights

Ok, so I never really went anywhere and I still had posts going up sporadically but this week I finally posted everyday again! I have plans to do the same again next week BUT I have nothing yet scheduled and it’s the London Book Fair which means I’m going to be fairly busy/exhausted so I may fail to follow through with the plan but, if I don’t, look out for another full week of posts! Anywho…

This week I posted THREE reviews;
In The Shadow of Blackbirds by Cat Winters (FIVE HEARTS)
Persnickety Princess by Falcon Storm (FOUR HEARTS)
Fearless by Brigid Kemmerer (FOUR HEARTS)

Do you like comic book movies? I certainly do! This week I posted my top ten. Why not see what I chose and tell me your own favourites by clicking here


As promised I made an announcement on the blog this week! Wahooo! :D
I am hosting a read-a-thon!
This is to help raise awareness of LGBT fiction and because I really want to read some of mine. Books with LGBT themes in the book also count.
To find out more and to sign up, go here

Blogger Spotlight

This week I had the lovely Laura on the blog for an interview! It was great to get to know her a little better and I hope that you feel the same way! Check out this thread to read it.

Around The Blogosphere

I have been really busy this week despite posting daily. I had work and then on my days off I actually did things around the house that really needed to be sorted. But here are a few posts that did catch my eye.

Marketing your blog can sometimes seem like a bore and something that just isn’t important. This week Amanda spoke about why marketing is important and some of the ways you can go about it. Check it all out here

Blogging can sometimes feel as though it is ALL about ARCs. But why are they so important? Why do we love them so much? Or hate them, as the case may be? This week Danny discussed ARCs and why we seek them out. Go here to see what she has to say and add your own comments!

One thing that I REALLY struggle with is commenting on other people’s blogs. Sometimes I barely have time to read posts, let alone comment on them. It seems I am not alone in this as this week Gaby has written a post on how best to try and comment on blogs more often. Check out her thoughts here

Currently Reading…

As I didn’t recieve any books this week – which I’m quite thankful for as I have SO MANY to read already – I decided that the last bit of this post will be used to discuss the few books I’m reading at the moment. That way if you’ve read it already, we can chat about it!

Dancing to the Flute I’ve been reading this one for a while and it is a really interesting read. It’s a little different from the stuff I’ve been reading recently but I am enjoying it. It’s just a bit of an odd transition. Have you read this one?

House of Secrets2 I’ve just started this one and have been really enjoying it! And by, just started, I mean I’ve read a chapter of it but thus far I have had a silly grin on my face for the whole thing. I’m looking forward to seeing what else this one has to bring. Have you read this one or do you want to read it at some point?

Fallen too far I’m about 40% of the way into this one – or probably further by the time you’re reading this – but I’m still not sure what I feel about it. I know so many people LOVE it and it was recommended to me but I’m just having issues with the main character. I want to like her but… just not yet. I am curious to see where it goes though. Have you read this one? What are your thoughts on it?

And there you have it, my Weekly Highlights!

I hope to visit all posts of this manner, so feel free to link to your own IMMs, Sunday Showcase, Sunday Posts, Letterbox Loves or whatever it is you do below!

what did you get this week? what cool blog posts did you stumble upon? what are you waiting to happen this week?



  • Clover

    I know that lots of people rave about Abbi Glines, but I’ve tried a few of her books and I really just don’t get on with her. She’s not for me.

    I do love your around the blogosphere links! The marketing article had me thinking, so thanks for sharing that :)

  • Gabby

    I still have yet to read an Abbi Glines, book but I know I lot of people do love them. Thanks for the links for around the blogosphere I will be sure to check them out. Thanks for sharing all your highlights:)

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