Blogger Spotlight,  Books,  Interview

Blogger Spotlight – Interview!


Hey Guys!
Today I am here to let Sofia introduce herself to you a little bit more in the interview that I did with her.
Hope that you enjoy it!

Tell us a little something about yourself!
Hey everyone! My name is Sofia and I’m a 16 year old blogger who is obviously obsessed with reading but I also really love watching various TV shows(especially The Flash) and I’m slightly obsessed with McBusted. Only slightly…

How long have you had your blog?
My current blog has been up for just over a year now but I had many blogs before that, all of which I hated so I took them down.

Do you enjoy running your blog?
Of course I do! I love to blog because it means that I can get my opinion about various things across to a wide range of people and it gives me a creative outlet.

When you started, did you ever think it would end up the way it has?
Definitely not. Last year, I had my blog but I was too scared to talk to anyone so it was read by basically no one. However, this year I decided to branch out and now my blog is growing and I’m so proud of that.

Is there an interesting background story to the name of your blog?
Not really. My blog used to be called fifisofa but I decided to change it in January because I absolutely despise that name now. I thought the reading fangirl was my appropriate and it suited my blog perfectly.

As we’ve got this far without mentioning it, why not tell us a little something about your blog? What you post, how it runs, who you cater to, etc
My blog has a wide range of posts(I like to think!). I post reviews, lists and a monthly wrap up. I also post non bookish things for example I’ve made posts about Bollywood movies, McBusted and a discussion post about e- books. I like to vary what I put on my blog so that it appeals to a wide range of people but it is mainly catered to YA readers. I post at least once a week(usually more) and I schedule a lot of posts over the weekend.

Do you participate or host blog memes? If you do, which is your favourite?
The only blog meme that I participate in is Top Ten Tuesday and I’ve been doing it every week in 2015. I love participating in TTT because it allows me to recommend a wide range of books and making lists is one of my favourite things to do.

What about blog tours? Have you ever or do you ever participate in them?
I’ve only ever participated in the UKYA extravaganza blog tour and I would really love to participate in more. Recently, I’ve been overcome with work and revision because of my upcoming exams and I don’t have time to promise to read a book by a particular point. However from June onwards, I would love to start actually accepting blog tour requests because I always feel really bad saying no.

What is the best book you read in 2014?
This is a hard question! I think I will have to go with Silver Shadows by Richelle Mead which is the 5th book in the bloodlines series(a spin off series from Vampire Academy). It had everything I could possibly want in a book from badass action scenes to swoonworthy romantic scenes.

What about so far in 2015?
I’ve read many amazing books so far this year including A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas and All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven but my favourite book of the year so far has to be The Sin Eater’s Daughter by Melinda Salisbury. It was just such an amazing books that I loved! I feel like I need to stop boosting Mel’s ego though…

Has there ever been a book that haven’t been able to finish? If so, what was it? And why couldn’t you finish?
There are many books that I haven’t finished. The one that comes to mind first is The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater. I’ve had this book for 2 years and I’ve tried reading it about 7 times but I could not get past 60 pages. Everyone says that the first 100 pages are slow but after that it’s great. I own all three books in the series and this year I am determined to finish it!

What is your favourite book genre?
I read a wide range of books but the main genre I read from is probably YA Romance. I just can’t resist a good swoonworthy book.

Quick Fire Round

ebook or hardcopy?
E-book….. I find it easier to read!

YA or Adult?
Definitely YA(I do read a little bit of adult novels too)

Vampires or Werewolves?
Vampires simply because of Adrian Ivashkov from Bloodlines <3

Chocolate or Vanilla?
Vanilla. I’m a simple girl.

Harry Potter or Twilight?
Definitely Harry Potter. I never got into Twilight.

Four or Peeta?
I love the adorable shy guys so Peeta.

Series or Single?
Single. I like a book to wrap up in one instead of waiting for the next one.

Blogger or WordPress?
Wordpress though I’ve never tried blogger.

And finally, is there anything else you would like to say about you or your blog?
Well, I like to think that I’m a nice and welcoming person so please don’t hesitate to come talk to me on twitter(@SofiaSTRF). I can’t tell you how happy I am to see my little blog growing since it started off as just a simple thing that I wrote simply because I had to get my opinion out there. I hope you all like reading my blog. :)

Isn’t she lovely? If you want to find out more about her, you can follow her here.


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