Blogger Spotlight

Blogger Spotlight! – READARAPTOR


blogger spotlight!

RAIMY! (Readarapter)

Every month I choose a new Blogger to spotlight on my blog. This blogger is usually someone who I have come to know through blogging, someone who I admire and whose blog should be getting a lot more traffic! Being a part of this means that the blogger gets their website “stickied” to the top of my blog *points to left-hand corner*, they get an interview and a few other things here and there throughout the month! It’s a way for me to share my love of them to you, and for you to find a new and amazing blog!

Got that? Good.

So, this month’s Blogger Spotlight is Raimy from Readaraptor!

Why is Raimy Chosen?
I first started interacting with Raimy in June last year after we met at the Random House Children’s Blogger Brunch. I had been aware of her blog prior to the event but quickly added it to my bookmarked list after I met her. Raimy is always happy to respond to tweets, she’s fun and friendly and really easy to get along with. I love that she has a love of dinosaurs and just enjoy talking to her and getting to know her better. I just wish that we got a chance to meet up more often and she didn’t live so far away!

Raimy has a really great blog that is always full of really interesting things to read, be they guest posts, interviews, reviews or articles. She has something to say and a unique voice to say it in and that is always a good thing to have when it comes to blogging. Her posts are always well-detailed and give you a good idea of the book she’s read and why she loves it so much which is nice to read! I also love her bookish news posts as they keep me up to date on everything going on in the industry that I may have missed. All in all, she is a great person with an interesting blog!

Go on, go follow her now!


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