Blogoversary; Alexa Interview

Hey Guys!
So today I have for you all the amazing Alexa from Alexa Loves Books. She is completely adorable and amazing and is such a fantastic blogger and I’m really happy to introduce you all to her for my blogoversary! Hope you enjoy this interview!
Let’s start with some basics. What is your name and the name of your blog?
Hi! I’m Alexa, and I blog over at Alexa Loves Books. The name might not be all that original, but I assure you the content definitely is.
How long have you been blogging?
I’ve officially been blogging since April 2011, so that makes it 2 years and 4 months as of the month of August.
Do you remember the very first post that you wrote for your blog?
I actually do not remember my very first post, but I do remember that it was a review. I’m not overly fond of my initial reviews on the blog, so yeah, it’s not a surprise that I don’t remember it.
Does your blog have a set schedule?
I honestly do try to keep to a schedule. Mondays are for The Monday Mix, my weekly link-up. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays are for reviews, although it occasionally switches up with blog tour posts and features.
Do you know, roughly, how much time you spend blogging?
Honestly, I couldn’t quantify it if I tried. But I normally do posts in bulk, which means I dedicate afternoons and evenings to doing lots of posts so that I can take lots of time off whenever I feel like it to read.
If you receive them, or even if you don’t, what are your views on ARCs?
I love receiving ARCs whenever I do. I try to do my best to read them in a timely fashion, though I must admit that it doesn’t always happen that way. Still, I consider them quite the privilege, and am always excited to get a new one, whether physical or e-galley!
How would you say blogging has changed your interaction with authors?
It’s allowed me to connect with them on a whole new level. Authors know who I am because of my blog! It gets me so excited that we have interactions on Twitter, and that I can let them know when they do or write something that truly excites me. Plus, my blog is totally a platform for me to promote the authors I love!
What about publishers?
I love that I get to work with some of my favourite publishers! It’s such a treat to work with the marketing and PR representatives who share my passion and love for books. I do try to work hand in hand with them to promote my favourite series.
Do you think you’d still read blogs if you didn’t blog yourself?
Yup! I totally read blogs way before I became a blogger myself, and that was a least a year’s worth of reading. It’s a great way to get book recommendations and make other friends who share our passions.
And finally, do you have anything to say about vlogs? Do you vlog? Do you watch vlogs?
I really enjoy vlogs. I haven’t really vlogged yet, but my sister and I have been hatching plans to do so eventually. The few videos that I have made have been pretty fun experiences, even though I think I look totally awkward in them. But I’m not averse to doing more in the future.
Quick Fire Round
Reviews or Features?
Reviews! I’m much better at writing those, honestly.
Comments or pageviews?
Comments! I enjoy seeing people’s thoughts on my posts.
E-mail subscription or RSS Feed (i.e. Bloglovin, Networked Blogs)?
RSS Feed, on Feedly! I really like using a reader to organize all my blogs.
Facebook or Twitter?
Twitter! Always Twitter. It’s such a fun place to have conversations with all of my book blogger friends.
Blogs or Vlogs?
Blogs! I’m much more likely to write things than film them, personally.
Thank you so much for answering all of my questions Alexa! What do you think of Alexa’s answers? Do you agree to preferring reviews over features or do you prefer features? Tell us all!