Blogoversary; Caroline Interview

Hey Guys!
So today I am introducing you all to a good friend of mine Caroline at Big Book Little Book. I met her at the beginning of the year (although it feels like I’ve known her forever!) and it has been such a great thing. She is an amazing person who I quickly put into my life and she is here to stay (you hear me Caroline?). But, instead of being selfish and keeping her all to myself, I have interviewed her for all of you. Hope you get to know her a little better!
Let’s start with some basics. What is your name and the name of your blog?
Hi I’m Caroline and I am one of a team of bloggers over at Big Book Little Book.
How long have you been blogging?
I’ve been blogging for just over two years.
Do you remember the very first post that you wrote for your blog?
Yes, The very first post I wrote was a review of Where She Went by Gayle Forman.
Does your blog have a set schedule?
Because Big Book Little Book is written as a team, we find it easier to stick to a schedule. We post reviews for Children’s books (including middle grade) on Mondays, YA book reviews on Wednesdays and Adult and New Adult reviews on Fridays.
We also host a semi- regular Self/indy published spotlight called Self Published Sunday. Other features including Novel Nibbles (book inspires cookery) and Love Books Will Travel (event reports) are posted on a more ad hock basis.
Do you know, roughly, how much time you spend blogging?
My husband would probably say too much! Most of my evenings are spent reading, blogging or using social media.
If you receive them, or even if you don’t, what are your views on ARCs?
I adore ARC’s. It’s such a privilege to receive a preview copy of a book you are excited about. However, I feel that accepting an ARC comes with a degree of responsibility and pressure to review it within a certain time period. For example my TBR pile is organised by publication date rather than mood/personal preference. I have books I’ve pre ordered for myself, which sit gathering dust while the ARC’s take priority.
When I first stared blogging I admit I was a little over excited about ARC’s and probably requested more than I could comfortably cope with. I’ve learnt to be more selective about which ARC’s I request/accept. I’ve also found that I don’t pressure myself to read and review all of the unsolicited books I am sent.
How would you say blogging has changed your interaction with authors?
Prior to blogging I followed the blogs of a few favourite authors and I also attended the occasional book signing.
Now, particularly through my use of twitter, I have a lot more direct interaction with authors.
I have also been lucky enough to meet some fabulous authors at events I wouldn’t have had access to prior to blogging.
What about publishers?
Prior to blogging I had no interaction with publishers.
Do you think you’d still read blogs if you didn’t blog yourself?
Yes, probably more than I do today.
I came to book blogging via my enjoyment of other book blogs, but due to the time commitment of blogging I don’t spend as much time as I used to following other blogs. I’ve found bloglovin to be invaluable in increasing my access to blogs. I have the app on my phone and it’s so convenient to be able to browse through my favourite blogs whenever I get a few free minutes.
And finally, do you have anything to say about vlogs? Do you vlog? Do you watch vlogs?
Lol I have vlogged! I’m not sure yet if it is something I would do on a more regular basis. Book vloggers, like Faye, make the process look deceptively easy. I didn’t realise how much work was involved, particularly with editing-or perhaps that’s just me and my excessive use of umm.
Quick Fire Round
Reviews or Features?
Comments or pageviews?
E-mail subscription or RSS Feed (i.e. Bloglovin, Networked Blogs)?
RSS Feed
Facebook or Twitter?
Blogs or Vlogs?
Thank you so much for answering all of those questions for me Caroline! It’s been great having you on the blog and getting to know you a bit better! Do you agree with Caroline about ARCs? Are you an e-mail subscription person or RSS feed?
One Comment
Rachelia (Bookish Comforts)
As someone who has recently went from solo blogging to having a co-blogger I COMPLETELY agree that having a schedule makes it a million times easier :) Plus, I’m actually finding that so far I like knowing what my topic is and pumping out a post. Takes the worry out of it :)
I’m totally an RSS feed girl myself. That way if I can’t get to the posts for a few days, it’s not a big deal and emails aren’t clogging up my inbox!