Blogoversary; Emma Guest Post

Hey Guys!
Today I am welcoming the lovely Emma Bradshaw, Publicity Manager at Bloomsbury UK, to the blog. She has written for you all a great post on her top non-bookish blogs! Emma is a lovely person to work alongside and I’m really happy to host her on the blog for you all to see!
Top Five Non-Bookish Blogs!
Happy blogiversary Faye. Congratulations on two wonderful years!
As Publicity Manager for Bloomsbury Children’s Books I spend a lot of time reading book blogs. There are so many amazing bloggers out there who have the most incredible knowledge of their area of expertise – whether it be picture books, YA fiction, fantasy, or something completely different. I am in awe of all of them. If you are reading this I would imagine you are equally aware of all of these literary superstars, so rather than preaching to the choir, so to speak, I thought I’d tell you a little bit about some of my favourite non-bookish blogs.
Fed Up and Drunk
I am a total foodie. I love eating in amazing restaurants, but equally enjoy cooking up a storm in my very own teeny tiny kitchen. Fed Up and Drunk is the blog for Food and Drink Guides. The guides themselves are fantastic for discovering new and exciting restaurants and the blog offers up even more foodie insights. The team take it in turns to write about their own culinary efforts, TV programmes, occasionally a cook book or two, unusual ingredients and more. I often while away a lunchbreak perusing their latest posts. It’s an inspiring blog full of fab ideas. Of course I may be slightly biased, as my sister is one of the contributors. I’ll leave you to guess which one she might be . . .
Good For Your Soul
Good For Your Soul is a celebration of all things fun (and not too expensive) in London, with the emphasis being on street food and markets. Written by Betty and Wern it’s a mostly gastronomic journey around East London and beyond, but also highlights things like beautiful parks, outdoor cinema and street art. Until I started reading their blog I had no idea just how many exciting little foodie gems were waiting to be discovered in Hackney. One of the things I love about this blog is just how stunning it looks: great design and brilliant photography. My mouth is watering as we speak, I’ve just been checking out the post on National Burger Day (YUM!). This is definitely worth checking out if you are new in town, or even if you’ve lived in London for years (like me), but not really explored East London in all its glory. You can follow these guys at @GFYSOUL. I strongly recommend you do!
I was lucky enough to work with Lisa Lister during my time at Harper Collins Children’s Books. She is the most amazing person and a truly inspirational lady. In her own words, she’s a ‘tattoo-splashed, burlesque-lovin’, belly-dancin’, 1940s stylin’ rockabilly princess who writes make-life-better words for love AND money’. I think that pretty much says it all. But just in case it doesn’t, her mantra is pretty much this – whoever you are, you are amazing. Be proud of it – She’s been through some wonderful and awful times over the last year and her blog has made me cry and grin from ear to ear in equal measure. If you ever feel like you’re having a bit of a tough time, have a read of this blog. It will help you put things into perspective and remember just how brilliant life is.
Salad Pride
I’ve only recently come across this blog, but what a great idea – it’s a blog dedicated to salad recipes. If like me you are eternally trying to eat a little healthier and shift the odd pound or two, this is the perfect blog. Granted some of the recipes are healthier than others, and some of them don’t appeal to me at all (banana and kale, really?!?), but for the most part they hit the spot. David’s original aim was to see if he could create 365 recipes, which he has achieved, but did he stop there? Hell no, he’s still going. So, if you’re sitting at your desk feeling uninspired, take a look and brighten up your lunchbox.
Tea for Two
These ladies are sew darn (do you like what I did there?) clever. I’m impressed by anyone who can make anything full stop, but people who can wield a sewing machine are geniuses of a whole different level. I have an as yet unachieved dream to be able to make things for my flat – cushions, quilts etc – but the thought of attempting to make clothes terrifies me. The fact that Jen and Elena can do both is just awesome. And they make it all look so easy. Having looked at their blog yet again I’m now wishing I could head home right now and do something creative. I WILL book myself those sewing lessons!
I love the sound of all of these blogs! Thank you so much for sharing these with us Emma! What blogs above do you think you’ll head over to? What are your favourite non-bookish blogs? Tell us all!
One Comment
Rachelia (Bookish Comforts)
I love blogs in general, but it’s always great to find new non-bookish blogs! I’ve bookmarked Salad Pride. It looks so yummy! My favourite non-bookish blog is Sarah is amazing and down to earth and provides articles that are interesting and useful!