Blogoversary; Hollie Guest Post!

Hey Guys!
So today I have the wonderful Hollie from Music, Books, and Tea. She has for you all an exciting guest post about the things that blogging has taught her! Hope that you manage to learn something new from it all as well!
Five Things I’ve Learnt From Blogging
I’m Hollie from Music, Books and Tea. When Faye rounded up the troops for her two year blogoversary, I was more than happy to come up with a post…a post that I asked Faye ideas for. (Thanks Faye!) I’ve been blogging for almost two years myself, and I reckon I’ve learned a fair bit over that time, so I thought I’d share five things that blogging has taught me. Also – happy blogoversary Faye!
Basic HTML knowledge IS helpful!
Who’d have thought those ICT lessons where we were taught to memorise basic coding would come in useful? Especially when I started out on Blogger, as being able to add code straight into the post was a huge time saver, plus it meant I wasn’t always ripping out my hair when things went wrong.
You don’t need to be super organised, but it does help.
I’m still working on this, but blogging is so much easier when posts are written well ahead of time and I’m not flying by the seat of my pants constantly. I also find I enjoy blogging more when I’m organised and have my posts scheduled ahead of time, probably because I’m not desperately hammering out a review two hours before the post is due to be scheduled!
Other bloggers are awesome!
This kind of goes without saying, right? But seriously, bloggers are awesome, super friendly people who just deserve all the awards for being fabulous. If I ever have a problem, whatever the topic, I know that there’s a bunch of friends waiting to help me figure it out.
Nothing will ever be as scary as posting for the very first time!
But once I got over the initial freak-out, I kind of got the posting bug and wanted to post constantly. (even though I didn’t really have a great deal to say!) Even when I’m trying out a new type of post and I’m not sure what people are going to think about it, I’m still not as freaked out as I was when I hit ‘publish’ on my first ever post.
There’s no right or wrong way to blog.
Probably the most important thing I’ve learnt, and it’s one thing that I learned pretty quickly too. What works for one person won’t necessarily work for me, and that’s fine. There’s no set way in which a review has to be written, or a meme has to be formatted. I just had to figure out what worked for me and I was away!
Wooo! What great things to learn and know! Thank you so much for this great post Hollie! Do you agree with Hollie? Have you learnt these things while blogging? I certainly have! Do you have anything else to add?
Rachelia (Bookish Comforts)
These are great lessons learned from blogging. I didn’t realize how much HTML and CSS coding I would pick up and/or need to do what I want. Other bloggers are totally awesome (it’s what makes blogging awesome – the community!) and I completely agree that there is no right or wrong way to blog. It’s all about doing what works for you!
One thing I’d add is how hard blogging can be. Don’t get me wrong, it’s totally fun, but I don’t think I realized how much energy, time and even money I would be putting into this hobby!