Blogspiration,  Books

Blogspiration #7

Blogspiration is a weekly meme hosted by GrowingUp YA & Saz101. This meme was created to help spark inspiration among bloggers, readers and writers alike. An inspirational quote/picture/video is posted weekly, on the day of the authors choosing, so that it may inspire creativity, conversation & just a little SOMETHING.
I think if there is something this community needs this week it is inspiration. A reminder that we are all still brilliant, fun loving, wholesome human beings and that nothing can knock us down. Yes? Well, I know, that is certainly the case for me! So, it took me a while to think about what I wanted to do for this post today, I’ve got a few blogspiration images backlogged and I finally decided on this one. I felt that a reminder of how much books do for us is exactly what the community needs right now.
We’re here to share our love of books, we’re not here for hate or lies or bullying. And, it is only with love that this community can really function properly. And guys, I’m saying this because I freaking LOVE you. Yes, yes I do.


I found this a few weeks back while surfing through the awesome Pinterest. And I honestly couldn’t love a graphic more than I love this one. It is so… perfect.
Books, every single book we read (whether we like them or not), teaches us something. Some books teach us how to smile, some books teach us how to get along with others, some books teach us the value of friendship or relationships, some the value of family, of trust, of love, of being true to ourselves, but every single book we read, teaches us something and with these lessons, we just keep on climbing to the top, whatever or wherever that may be.

For me, the top is being published. The top is being happy and alive. The top is being surrounded by family and friends and loved ones and knowing that you wouldn’t be able to last a day without them. The top, is just being the best I can be.
And I know that I can be at the top, that I am very often at the top, because of the lessons I learnt from the books I read. The books I loved taught me how to escape reality and calm down when I need to, they taught me that it’s okay to be different and they taught me that no matter what, things will be okay eventually. Even if it’s only for a short while, there is never a time when things are always bad.

So I love books. I love the journey to the top. And I love this community. We may have had a bad week, lines may have been crossed and bad traits may have come to life but there is no doubt in my mind that this is the right place to be because for every harsh word spat, a hundred nice words were used. Because, at the soul of this, at the soul of us, is love.


  • Kathe (Good Lit and Green Tea)

    Fayegirl—I love how it sounds like “fey girl” and seems dangerous but elegant at the same time— you know what I feel about this post already. It made me smile so much!

    Anyway, I agree, being similarly disappointed in both the blogger who made a mistake and in the blogging community who rose up in arms not against the problem but against the person, which didn’t really help… but we shouldn’t focus on the problem anymore. It’s over. Let’s be positive and get through this. The blogging community seems divided but, hey, since we ARE online, we should learn to detach ourselves from being personally offended by what happened and just work on fixing it, right?

    Thanks for this optimistic post reminding us why we are here: “to show our love of books.” I hope other people will remember that, too. Love you!

  • Sarah (saz101)

    Ooooh, Faaaaye. “So I love books. I love the journey to the top. And I love this community. We may have had a bad week, lines may have been crossed and bad traits may have come to life but there is no doubt in my mind that this is the right place to be because for every harsh word spat, a hundred nice words were used. Because, at the soul of this, at the soul of us, is love.”

    Thank you, so so SO much for sharing this, and THIS, of all weeks. YES. What we ALL need this week is some inspiration, and some love. ♥ you.

  • Heather M Bryant

    I can’t even begin to tell you how much I love this post. I was going to touch on the subject too in my blogspiration but I couldn’t be bothered trying to find an eloquent way of doing it with my post turning into one big, fat rant.

    I also thoroughly enjoy your vision of ‘the top’. I’ll bring the champagne and meet you there!

    The picture is amazing, your post is amazing, and we all love you right back!

  • englishrosec

    Hi Faye, what a brilliant picture and I totally agree with the idea that every book teaches us something.

    I’m not sure what the “big bust-up” was…I hope that everyone can find it in them to forgive and move on.

    Nice blog :-)

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