Books,  Interview

Book Blogger Love-A-Thon; Interview Swap!


Hey Guys!
So today, for 24 hours only, it is the Book Blogger Love-a-thon! It is a day to share book blogger love across the blogosphere in a variety of ways! To begin this wild and fun day, I have for you an Interview Swap with fellow blogger Claie @ Project to be Read! We both chose four questions each and then answered all eight for each other. So hop on over to Claie’s blog now for my answers, or continue scrolling to see Claire’s!

Bookish Questions

Do you have a favourite genre to read? If so, what is it? If not, what are your top three?
A favourite??? Just one??? I love anything with a paranormal element to it, whether it’s YA or adult. I’m also a big fan of urban fantasy (although it’s been a while since I read any) and cozy mysteries :)

Are there any books/genres that you feel you will never read?
I’m pretty flexible with what I read so I don’t really want to rule anything out. That said I won’t read anything that is judgemental or prejudiced against anyone. I’m very much about equality and personal freedom so any kind of “x is wrong” type statement tends to drive me up the wall.

What are your top five books and why?

  • Right now The Indigo Spell by Richelle Mead is top of my list. It was an awesome read and it has Adrian Ivashkov!! I prefer the Bloodlines series to Vampire Academy so I’m really happy to see each book surpass the last.
  • Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater is one of the most beautiful books I’ve ever read and is a really unique take on werewolves. I also love that it’s a true love story as opposed to a falling in love story as there is no distracting relationship drama.
  • Slave to Sensation by Nalini Singh combines the best parts of paranormal romance and urban fantasy, providing a swoonworthy romance alongside some impressive and complex world building.
  • Book of Shadows by Cate Tiernan is not only an excellent start to a great series, but also the book that moved me from being a reader to being a reader. Since then I’ve read more and more, and I still usually reread the series at least once a year.
  • Last but not least is Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder which was my gateway book to fantasy. She managed to take a genre I had zero interest in and make it a passion, all in one book :)
If you could live in the world of any book or series (as yourself), which would you pick?
I think I’d like to live in the world of The Hollows by Kim Harrison. Paranormals are out of the closet after an epidemic so the world is full of witches, vampires, werewolves, pixies and demons. It would be a really fun world to live in, close enough to our own to feel normal but different enough to be interesting.

Bloggish Questions

Name five bloggers who inspire you or who you just love.
Vicky @ Books, Biscuits and Tea
Jenni @ Jenni Elyse
Mist @ Bookaholics Book Club
Faye @ A Daydreamer’s Thoughts
Angela @ Reading Angel

Blogging can get tough, what makes you look past that to continue blogging?
Remembering all the highlights of blogging – the first review book I was offered, the first comment on my blog, my first readathon and twitter chat. Then I make myself a huge cup of tea and spend some time looking back through my old posts and catching up on my favourite blogs to recapture my inspiration.

What do you love most about blogging?
Definitely the community :) Other bloggers are generally really supportive and chatting with other bloggers means you can talk about pretty much anything. I’ve lost track of the amount of blogging tips and tricks and book recommendations I’ve gotten.

If you could travel back in time to when you started your blog, what piece of advice would you give yourself?
Schedule! It took me ages to figure out that I could schedule blog posts in advance, but realistically there will be days where you aren’t able to blog or just don’t want to so scheduling can really help. My blog has ended up with some gaps in posting due to ill health so I really wish I’d gotten into the habit of scheduling earlier to have prevented that.

Thank you so much for answering all the questions Claire! It was so much fun to work with you on this! If you want to see my answers, head over to Claire’s blog by simply clicking here

I also apologise to my followers, today will be a “many posts” in one day kind of day!



  • Katelyn

    I love that you two shared the task of creating questions! I am incredibly embarrassed (and a bit sad) that I have not read any of the books that Claire listed. There is just not enough time in the day (but that certainly wont stop me from purchasing a few for my Nook!)

  • Alysia @My Little Pocketbooks

    I live by scheduling the week ahead of post. I couldn’t blog without it. I start with my outline for the month ahead and then on Saturday I knock out the week ahead. Time saver!

    • Faye (Daydreaming_Star)

      I have done this a few times but I usually find that I just don’t have the time to schedule a week all at once! I wish I did as it makes it SO MUCH easier but with the way my sporadic work and social calander is it just never happens! But I always try. Most of the time I end up scheduling just a few days in advance but then can’t post again until the last post I’ve scheduled! Haha. oh well.

      Thanks for commenting :)

  • Alexa Y.

    I absolutely ADORE the fact that you guys managed to answer questions about books and blogging! It was great getting to know Claire a little bit better. I have to say that I’m sure we’d get along because of our mutual love of Shiver! That’s the best book in that trilogy, in my opinion.

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