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Book Review; Faking It by Cora Carmack

faking itAuthor: Cora Carmack
Publisher: Ebury Publishing
Published: 6th June 2013
Pages: P352
Format: Paperback
Source:: Complimentary Copy from Publisher
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Every girl likes a bad boy…

And Max’s current boyfriend is as bad as they come.

She knows her family would freak if they saw his tattoos and piercings. So when her parents turn up unannounced Max grabs the most wholesome guy she can to play her boyfriend.

But Cade Winston is so perfect that Max needs him to keep playing the part. And the more they have to fake their relationship, the harder it gets to just pretend.

When You’re

As soon as I finished Losing It, I knew that I was definitely going to read Faking It. Cora had blown me away with her writing style and I had found a story that I could easily love. While it wasn’t a book that I picked up straight away, it was one that was worth the wait. This book, for me, was better than Losing It in many ways. I found it even harder to put this book down and simply found myself devoured by the world that was being shown to me.

In a Bind

This book did have a very obvious plot. One where two people who have never met who are complete opposites pretend to be in love only to find it far too difficult to see what is real and what is pretend. We’ve been there and we’ve done that but, fortunately, the writing style and characters are so amazing that Cora manages to make this plot seem completely new and refreshing. Already by the first moment Cade and Max meet, I wanted them to end up together. Plus, the humour that is mixed in with this plot is just perfect. This book may not have a deep plot but it is a great easy and enjoyable read that I really liked.

You Will

I could not get enough of the characters in this book. To say I loved them would be a little bit of an understatement. Cora has done a brilliant job at not making these characters stiff, boring, two-dimensional characters by giving them both incredible personalities with depth and passion. She truly makes you fall for these characters. And I really do mean that, as in Losing It Cade was one of my least favourite characters, but I absolutely fell in love with him in this book. I loved how we got to see a different side of him and how his personality just shined through. He’s the kind of guy I would love to get to know. And I adored Max. She really brought the humour to the book, and I just thought she was a character with a fiery personality and a dark history that I just adored. They really did mesh well together.

Do Anything

Once again, Cora Carmack has shown that she has the ability to write humour in her stories. She has a way of making you fall for her characters and invest yourselves in their lives. I found myself continuously laughing throughout this book and found it too difficult to put down because I needed to know what happened next. Cora got the perfect balance between the two characters and you could really hear and feel their distinctive voices coming through the narrative. She always gave you just enough of their thoughts and feelings to grip you into the story line without giving too much away.

To Save Yourself

All in all, this was a book that I just devoured quickly and really enjoyed. It made me laugh, it made me cry, and it made me just fall in love with two characters and their relationship. I wanted to help them see each other more clearly, I wanted to show them the path they needed to go and that is because Cora made me care so very deeply for these characters. I understand that this book may not be for everyone but if you’re someone who enjoys a good chick flick, then you should definitely make sure to give this book a read. As mentioned previously, Cora may have taken a traditional plot to work with, but she spun it in to something new and interesting, with just enough uniqueness and personality to make it work.

Four Stars

** I received this copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. **


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