Article,  Books

Bookaholic’s Anonymous Tag

Bookaholic’s Anonymous Tag

Hello Guys!
Today I have for you another Bookish Tag! This one I found on the lovely Nicola’s blog. You can find the post here!

What do you like about buying new books?
Honestly? I love the feel of a new book. The promise of a new adventure encased in the pages. It feels a little bit like a new piece of treasure.

How often do you buy new books?
Too often. If I want a new book, I buy one. Unless I’m really strapped for cash that month but generally, I just buy books when I want to!

Bookstore or online book shopping – which do you prefer?
I do love going to a bookstore and checking out the condition of a book before I buy it but I also love to see a book on twitter or a blog and just buy it straight away!

Do you have a favourite bookshop?
I wish I did! But honestly, they’re all just incredible.

Do you pre-order books?
Sometimes but not very often. Mostly because when I do, I forget and that I don’t budget and it has left me in sticky waters more than once. Also, if I *really* want a book, I just add the release day to my phone and go buy it on the day.

Do you have a monthly book buying limit?
Nope. I probably should but nah.

How big is your wishlist?
I don’t really have one? I have like a mental wishlist but not an actual physical list.

Which three books from your wishlist do you wish to own NOW?
So, the ones that I’ve been wanting to get which are released or coming up for release are:

1) We Hunt the Flame by Hafsah Faizal
2) The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern
3) I Wish you All the Best by Mason Deaver (This is out but I just haven’t bought it yet!)

And that’s the end of the tag!

Today I am tagging Rachel at A Cascade of Books and Justine at I Should Read That.

And also just anyone else that would like to do this tag!

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