Buddy Reads: Sharing The Love of Reading with Friends
Buddy Reads: Sharing the Love of Reading with Friends
Hi All!
Today I want to discuss Buddy Reads with you.
Over the past few months, Alex from Library Books and Tea, and I have been buddy reading a selection of books together and it is something that we have enjoyed so much that we’re now hoping to try and buddy read one book a month for as long as we can.
Naturally, because of this, I want to talk about the experience!
Why I love Buddy Reading
1. Squealing Together
As you’ve set specific days to read specific pages, when something squeal worthy happens, you can quickly do so together and then talk about the situation too. Alex and I have had plenty of WhatsApp messages whereby we discussed certain things happening which has been really fun.
2. Discussing Potential Plot Points
You know when you’re reading a book and you have an idea about HOW it will end or a thought about something that MIGHT happen? Isn’t it frustrating when you can’t talk about it? Well, when you’re buddy reading you can. Alex and I speculated over a few things in the books we were reading which was really cool.
3. Reading Ahead…
So obviously when you set out to buddy read together, you plan what pages you’re going to read on which days but if you’re anything like me, once you become hooked on a book, you read ahead. Fortunately, at least for Alex and I, this didn’t turn out to be a problem. It simply meant that you waited an extra day or two to talk about the book. It also means when the person behind catches up you can squeal again.
4. Continual Talking About Books
I mean, what’s not to love about this? Having another bookworm to talk to about a specific book you’re reading is ALWAYS good. Plus, as mentioned above, you can literally talk about the book as you read rather than just discussing it after it’s all finally finished.
5. Finding New Favourites Together
Finally, but certainly not least, another wonderful thing about buddy reads is that you might just stumble across a book that you both absolutely love and cannot get enough of. And how wonderful would it be if you both find that it is a book that will be going straight on your favourite’s list!
Have you buddy read any books?