Article,  Blogger Spotlight,  Books

Book Lover Spotlight: Olivia at Olivia’s Catastrophe

Book Lover Spotlight: Olivia at Olivia's Catastrophe

Hi All!

Welcome to my new Friday Feature here on my blog!

Every Friday, for as long as I have people to spotlight, I will be posting about different book lovers that can be found on the internet!

Welcome to my Book Lover Spotlight!

Name: Olivia
Blog Name: Olivia’s Catatrophe
Instagram: Oliviascatastrophe
Twitter: Writing4Joy2
Others:  Youtube. Facebook. Goodreads.
Bio: I’m Olivia-Savannah, a 20 year old bookworm who is addicted to Instagram and writing. I write novels, poetry and as you can probably tell – blog posts too. I’m working on my novel, but it’s a top secret project! Hopefully you’ll hear more about it soon.

General Book Questions

What type of books do you read? (i.e. picture books, non-fiction, YA, Adult)
I read a little bit of everything! I love adult fiction, new adult romance, a LOT of YA and recently I’ve been delving more into middle grade too.

What is your favourite genre to read?
Honestly, my reading is such a mix and as a mood reader I tend to go through phases where I have a genre I read a lot of, and then move to the next. Currently it’s fantasy, but I feel it morphing into nonfiction…

Do you ever read outside of your favourite genres?
I read pretty much every genre so there is no ‘outside’.

How do you currently get your books?
I currently am on a year long book buying ban so the only way I am getting new books is from publishers who are kind enough to send some for review… definitely fewer books than when I used to buy them!

What is your favourite thing about reading?
Two things! First that I get to escape my own reality for a bit and travel into a new world. And secondly, that I get to learn. I learn about people whose experiences may be different than my own, about history, about people, about the current world we live in…

Blogger Questions

What type of posts do you love writing the most?
 I really love writing my monthly wrap ups and I love writing a good review!

What type of posts do you love reading?
 Personally, I love reading reviews because it’s where I get all my book recommendations from. Ooh, and book hauls.

How long does it take for you to write and post a review?
 It usually takes me a good 20 minutes to write a review. However, posting… See, I post on my blog once a week, but I read about 10-20 books a month… And I actually review every book I read as I write reviews for my personal memory first and foremost. So I have a huge range of book reviews to write and it could take me a year or a single day to post it!

Where do you share your blog posts?
I share my blog posts on my blog, and cross post and reviews to Goodreads and as well.

What is your favourite thing about blogging?
I love that I have a place to track all my reading I have done since I started my blog via wrap ups. I also really love the blogging community. Talking in the comments and book hopping always makes my heart so happy.

Blog Posts!

Bookstagram Questions

Does your instagram have a theme?
Not at all! I really can’t stick to one.

Do you just write reviews or do you do other posts too?
I write mini mini reviews in my stories and then have mini reviews on about 1 in 3 posts.
But the other 2 aren’t reviews!

How do you find inspiration for your photos?
Most of my inspiration comes from the books themselves, but I also have a few favourite bookstagram accounts that post stunning photos which constantly inspire me.

How long does it take to create a photo and upload it?
It takes about 20 minutes to create a photo and take it, and maybe 10 to tidy up (I bulk take photos.) And then uploading… similar to my book reviews, I have a massive backlog!

Where do you share your bookstagram posts?
I share them on instagram and then also on my blog as photos for my reviews.

What is your favourite thing about bookstagram?
I love seeing everyone’s stunning photos and I really love connecting to people through their stories – whether they post life updates there or bookish updates!

Instagram Post!

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