
Chocolate Book Tag!

Hey Guys!

Today I’m here to do something a little bit different. (Ooooh.)
A while back I posted my very first original book tag on youtube. For those of you who don’t know, tags in the booktube community come in all shapes and sizes, are great fun to do and a great way to communicate with fellow tubers! So, having come up with this idea, I thought up some questions and just went with it.
I have been amazed by how many people have now done this tag – including foreign people! – and I thought that it would be really great to bring the tag to blogs too!

The Original Tag

The Questions

Dark Chocolate — A book that covers a dark topic (abuse, domestic violence, rape, lonlieness, bullying, death, etc)

White Chocolate — Your favourite light-hearted/humourous read

Milk Chocolate — A book that has a lot of hype that you’re dying to read.

Chocolate with a caramel center — Name a book that made you feel all gooey in the middle while you were reading it

Wafer-free Kit-Kat — Name a book that surprised you lately.

Snickers — A book that you are going nuts about

Hot Chocolate with cream and marshmallows — What book would you turn to for a comfort read?

Box of chocolates — What series have you read that you feel has a wide variety and a little something for everyone

The Tags

I Tag YOU!

If you’re a blogger and you’re reading this, it’d be great if you’d do this tag on your blog! You can just write out the answers, no filming required!
Once you’ve answered the questions, tag other bloggers and vloggers to join in!

It’d be great to see people doing this because I just love hearing all of the different answers.
If you do it, link to your post in the comments and I will definitely come and check it out!



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