December Monthly Wrap Up
So I ummed and ahhed about whether or not to start doing monthly wrap-ups on the blog but have eventually decided that in an effort to keep my blog more organised, to keep on top of challenges and to do a nice re-cap of the month for you all, that I would do them :-). Therefore, this post will be set out like my weekly highlights post, split into headings in an attempt to keep everything organised easily :D
Post Highlights
First up…
Can you believe it’s 2015 already? I’m certainly struggling to believe it!
December, like all the months that came before it was a busy one for me and I think I’m going to stop telling you all that at the beginning of each month because I’m sure it’s getting a little old hat now, right?
December was full of Christmassy things, reading, family time, and just generally doing all the things!
Highlights include Christmas game day with ARYA Bookclub, meeting up with Gaby (Bookish Broads), and having a christmas movie marathon with one of my closest friends.
My top three posts this month were;
Top Ten Tuesday; Amazing Books of 2014
You Know You Have Too Many Books When…
Top Ten Movies of 2014!
I read the least amount of books I’ve read all year this month, only managing to read FIVE books. [Though I’m in the middle of two more!]
As a year-wrap up though, I can officially say I completed my Goodreads challenge! I didn’t make it to 110, but I did read 105 and as my original goal was 75, I’m impressed! This year I plan to aim for 75 books again as I want to take the pressure off reading so much and just read when I want to.
Favourite Book
This was the final book in the Elemental series and it was JUST AS GOOD as the rest of the books in this series. It had me crying throughout as I was taken on a very emotional journey with all of the brothers. Brigid has a way of making you fall in love with every character that is at the high front of the story and while I already loved Michael [who sets the scene in Elemental (#0.5)], Sacrifice just made me love him that much more. I read this book incredibly quickly (and it would have been quicker if I hadn’t needed some time to step away from the book to stop ALL THE TEARS) because I just got pulled into the story. The writing was superb as expected and this book was just the perfect way to say goodbye to the series.
Books Read
Three Stars
Four Stars
Five Stars
January TBR
These are just some of the books I want to read this month, two of which just need to be finished.