Films,  Top Ten

Top Ten Movies of 2014!

Hey All!
Below is a list of my top ten movies that I watched and were released in 2014. I was planning to do a non-2014 list too but I realised I didn’t make a note of the films I watched this year but I hope to do this next year at least!

Anyway…. here are the ones that I really loved for many different reasons…

Pride The Lego Movie The Judge

Pride; I almost didn’t see this movie becuase I was so unsure whether I’d enjoy it but I am SO GLAD I changed my mind as this was one of my very favourite films of the year. (And I ended up seeing it twice in the cinema!)

Lego Movie; It boggles my miind that this film came out this year but it did and I loved it straight away. It was fun, cheeky, and just had a very upbeat feel to it all. Definitely looking forward to the next one!

The Judge; The trailer of this film did not do justice to the actual film. I was certain I’d be going to see a regular blockbuster but instead I watched a film that was thoughtful, intense, and incredibly good.

The Fault In Our Stars How to train your dragon 2 Divergent mockingjay

The Fault in Our Stars; I was super nervous about seeing this one as I wanted it to be so good so badly. When it was, I was overcome by emotion. I ended up seeing this film three times. And everytime I laughed and cried until it was over.

How to Train Your Dragon 2; I thought this film was going to be good. I wasn’t expecting it to blow me away completely. I didn’t think it was possible to be better than How To Train Your Dragon but this is what happened. Just. Maybe… It’s definitely close!

Divergent; Another adaptation that I was worried about but was ultimately surprised and happy with the result. While it was no comparison to the film, I still really loved it and so it made it on here!

Mockingjay: Part One; Another one that I was worried about (Are you sensing a theme?) but was essentially blown away. I loved it so much. I have heard people say that they dislike it for so many reasons including having no investment left in the story to watch the last bit BUT I really enjoyed it and thought it made the book so much BETTER.

Guardians of the galaxy A Long Way Down love rosie

Guardians of the Galaxy; There were a lot of comic book films that came out this year. Films that were serious, full of CGI and bravado but it is Guardians of the Galaxy that has made this list because it was different. This was a fun, cute, superhero movie that I couldn’t help but really enjoy.

A Long Way Down; This is a British movie. Through and through. It is funny, heart-breaking, heart-warming, and is just a really great film all around. I have now read the book and would even go so far as to say the film is better than the book. It’s just got a lot more life (ironically).

Love, Rosie; This was a film I was super excited for and was actually lucky enough to win tickets to the premiere and it turned out to be a brilliant film! I loved the kookiness of the film, the British humour and how well it was adapted from the book. My only problem was how little it was in cinemas!

So yes, these are the standout films of 2014 for me. There were many other films I saw that didn’t quite make the cut but these were all unique and wonderful in their own ways!

What about you? What were your top films this year?



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