Books,  Top Ten

Top Ten Tuesday; Bookish Resolutions for 2015

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Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week a new topic is given and this weeks topic is resolutions

I don’t often set resolutions because I very rarely follow though and kind of like the way I live as it is BUT I like doing blogging/book resolutions to see if I can change things for the better in here. So here’s what I’m hoping I’ll change next year…

1. Continue reading what I want, when I want.
No pressure to read books by their release date. No feeling guilty about not reading books when everyone else does. Simply deciding to read whatever the hell I feel like reading.

2. Read more unknown books.
In this world of blogging, it seems there are few books that people have never heard of and everyone has an opinion on all the big books. I want to read more books that don’t have opinions on them already. I want to be able to make up my own mind.

3. Try and blog at least three times a week.
Not sure if this will ever work but we’ll see.

4. But do not stress about blogging.
Seriously. I need to STOP. NOW. It is not the end of the world if X post doesn’t go live.

5. Rate books on Goodreads after finishing them.
I’ve already started doing this but want to continue to do so. I often forget these days to cross post reviews but this way the books don’t just sit as “read” but also “rated” and it’s easier for me and better for the author!

6. Stop buying quite so many books.
It’ll be hard but I really need to. Maybe limit myself to one new purchase a month.

7. Get rid of some books I own but will never read.
This will be hard but I’m running out of space and it’s starting to feel silly…

8. Request less books for review.
I want to read ALL the books before release but I NEVER do. So I need to just STOP, or cut back at least.

9. Try and schedule the blog in advance.
I want to always be at least two weeks ahead. But we’ll see…

10. Quite simply, stop stressing and feeling guilty about blogging and reading.
The ultimate goal.

What are your bookish resolutions?



  • Quinn @ Quinn's Book Nook

    I am not one for New Year Resolutions, either. Except when it comes to my blog. I love setting them, because I feel like it give me something to focus on throughout the year. I may not follow through on ALL of them, but I always do on some of them, and that makes me feel good.

    I think your goals for next year are great. You always want to keep blogging a fun experience.

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