Finish It February; Update #3
21 February, 2015

We’re at the end of the third week of February and only have one week to go. I’m still not sure how that happened but there we go!
My Goals
I want to try and finish three half-read books, and finish three series.
How I’m Doing
I have finished one series and completed one half-read book. I am in the middle of the last book of a second series.
I’m not doing as well as I’d hoped – my reading mojo has sort of left me this month BUT I’m okay with that as I’ve just been really busy. I would be happy if I finish two series and one half-read book so let’s see how I go next week!
Currently Reading
Read so Far
So… how are you getting on? Let me know in the comments and/or link to your updates in the linky!
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