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Five Reasons Why People Should Read My Book by Susan Jane Broda Tamburi

Five Reasons Why People Should Read My Book by Susan Jane Broda Tamburi

Hi All!
Today is my stop on the blog tour for Power, Beauty and the Legitimacy of Adolescence and I am here today with a fantastic guest post from the author!

Title: Power, Beauty and Legitimacy of Adolescence
Author: Susan Jane Broda Tamburi
Publisher: Clink Street Publishing
Published: 28th June 2019
Pages: 168
Format: Paperback
Source:: N/A
Add It: Amazon UK Goodreads.
Summary: Power, Beauty and Legitimacy of Adolescence. Understanding the teenage years, from their complexity in reality to some fictional representations in Anglo-Saxon, French and Italian literature.

Based on thorough experience in teaching, pedagogy and parenting, this book is a helpful guide for parents and teachers who want to help teenagers, the best way they can, in becoming adults.

Susan Jane Broda Tamburi provides an instructive, yet very simple approach to a full understanding of the complex mechanisms of adolescence. The author also analyses some enlightening representations of teenagers in literature.

Five Reasons Why People Should Read My Book

by Susan Jane Broda Tamburi

You should read my book;

1. To change your view on teenagers, genuinely understanding what happens to them at that age and to restore the relationship you had with them when they were young children.

2. To realise how wonderful teenagers are seeing all the positive sides to adolescence and rediscovering the relationship teenager / parent in a new light.

3. To improve your family dynamics by becoming a better parent.

4. To see how teenagers’ pattern behaviour is represented in literature and therefore to be able to play down the drama surrounding it.

5. To help your teenagers become happy adults while you become happy parents.

About the Author

I was born in Geneva from an English mother and an Italian father who both had come to Switzerland to work in international organisations. I travelled a lot when I was young visiting my two families in London and Rome. I went to school in Geneva and after one year spent in England in an Art School, I went to Geneva university where I got a masters degree in English, French and Italian literature. I started teaching during my studies and never stopped. I got married and had 4 children. Today I am still a teacher but am also responsible for teacher training in my school and at university. I have been living for 8 years with my American partner whom I had dated when I was a teenager. After having gone our separate ways we reconnected later in life and are living happily together in Geneva although we spend a lot of time in California.

My eldest son is an architect in Geneva, my eldest daughter has just obtained a bachelor at Brunel University in digital design, my youngest son is studying economics in Lausanne and my youngest daughter is enjoying a gap year doing voluntary work in Costa Rica and New Zealand before starting medical school.

We all get on well and are considered by friends and relatives as a “fusional” family, whatever that means…

I started writing articles at the age of twenty for an animal journal when part -time working in a zoo. A few years later I wrote a collection of children’s stories. I recently decided to write a book on adolescence in French which was published in November 2018, I then made a longer adaptation of it in English and have currently finished the Italian version.

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