Fresh Start September – Wrap Up + Winners + Thank You

So we have finally reached the end of September and what a month it’s been! I want to start this wrap up post with a huge thank you to everyone who has supported Fresh Start September and helped to make it such a success.
Daphne, Melissa and I want to especially thank all the authors who did interviews and guest posts for us, all the publishers that have supported the event (Strange Chemistry, Harlequin, Entangled Publishing, Random House), and our fabulous guest bloggers, Kayleigh, Brodie and Alison. Without them this would have been a rather dull event!
Here is a recap of all our posts this month:
1st – Introduction Posts – Melissa, Faye and Daphne
2nd – C.J. Redwine Interview – A Daydreamer’s Thoughts
3rd – Amanda Rutter (editor of Strange Chemistry) Interview – Winged Reviews 5th – Synopsis Discussion – A Daydreamer’s Thoughts
7th – Carmen Rodrigues Interview – Melissa’s Midnight Musings
8th – Blogger Guest Post – Kayleigh from K-Books – Winged Reviews
10th – Lauren Bennett (publicist from RHCB) Interview – A Daydreamer’s Thoughts 11th – Cover Art Poll – Melissa’s Midnight Musings
12th – Jessica Khoury Interview – Winged Reviews
15th – Jay Kristoff Interview – A Daydreamer’s Thoughts
16th – Niall Leonard Interview – Melissa’s Midnight Musings
17th – Blogger Guest Post – Brodie from Eleusinian Mysteries – A Daydreamer’s Thoughts
20th – Kat Zhang Interview – Winged Reviews
22nd – Hannah Harrington Interview – Melissa’s Midnight Musings
25th – Rachel Harris Interview – Winged Reviews
27th – Kim Curran Guest Post – A Daydreamer’s Thoughts
29th – Blogger Guest Post – Alison from The Cheap Reader – Melissa’s Midnight Musings
30th – Wrap Up Post and Prize Winners – Daphne, Melissa, Faye
Cover Art Poll Results
As promised, we are revealing the winners of our Cover Art Poll! Thank you everyone for voting and the winner is:

The breakdown:
Stormdancer by Jay Kristoff – 21 votes (30%)
Defiance by CJ Redwine – 20 votes (29%)
What’s Left of Me by Kat Zhang – 7 votes (10%)
34 Pieces of You by Carmen Rodrigues – 7 votes (10%)
My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century by Rachel Harris – 6 votes (9%)
Speechless by Hannah Harrington – 5 votes (7%)
Crusher by Niall Leonard – 2 votes (3%)
Origin by Jessica Khoury – 1 vote (1%)
Shift by Kim Curran – 1 vote (1%)
As you can see, it was a close one between Defiance and Stormdancer, but Stormdancer took the win with one slim vote!
All the covers were gorgeous in their own way but I have to admit that Stormdancer is a well-deserved winner.
Thank you for taking the time to vote in this!
Contest Winners
And now, what I’m sure you’re all waiting for, the winners of all our fabulous prizes:
2 winners of Strange Chemistry ARC packs, each pack including a copy of Poltergeeks by Sean Cummings, The Assassin’s Curse by Cassandra Rose Clarke AND Katya’s World by Jonathan L Howard (courtesy of Strange Chemistry) are:
Veronika and Heather Cranmer
1 winner of an eBook of My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century by Rachel Harris (courtesy of Entangled Publishing):
Gabbie Johnson
1 winner of an paperback of Speechless by Hannah Harrington (courtesy of Harlequin):
Alyssa Susanna
1 winner of a hardcover copy of 34 Pieces of You by Carmen Rodrigues (courtesy of the author):
Katherina Barney
3 winners of a book of your choice from any that has been featured in Fresh Start September (each courtesy of the hosts) are:
Nichole Nelson, Oana Ungureanu and Wendi Bishop
The winners will be contacted shortly by email, so please respond to claim your prizes!
Again, thank you everyone for entering and participating in Fresh Start September.
When I first had the idea for this event, I never would have imagined it to turn out the way it did. I have truly enjoyed organising this and it has been amazing to meet so many great authors and publishers. It was also really interesting to get an insight in to the publishing and publicity side of things, to which a huge thank you goes out to Amanda Rutter and Lauren Bennett for that.
Lastly, but by no means least, I really need to give a huge thank you to my co-hosts Daphne and Melissa. Without them being so excited to help, without their organising skills and just extra background work, none of this would have happened at all. It was one idea that was turned into something tangible and I couldn’t be happier with the way it all turned out.
So thank you to everyone.