
Glorious, Wonderful, Amazing… Updates.

Oh, hello there! You may remember me from a while back. The name’s Faye. *waves*

Haha. Sorry. I just feel like I haven’t had time to right any real personal posts on this blog for a really long time which was really sad, don’t you think? But, alas! With my Dissertation finished and my last Exam sat, I am suddenly a free bird! Or well, more free than I was, anyway. Unfortunately, I still have work because a gal has got to pay the bills somehow! But, I should be around on the blog a bit more again. Yay!

With that said, I thought I would do a quick update-ish post thing where I let you know some of the things I’ve got planned at the moment and you can be less shocked when they actually happen!

First up, I plan to get caught up on all my reviews! Now, because I feel you should all know how behind I am, that’s a whooping, thirteen reviews. Something tells me I’ll be scheduling posts far into the future!! But yes, within the next couple of days, the plan is to get these written (because I know I will soon be adding another three to write!)

Secondly, after this post is aired and you’ve read it through, or skipped it entirely (I don’t judge, I promise), I will be announcing my blogger spotlight for this month! I am five days late on this announcement but luckily I have been forgiven by the blogger, maybe you could forgive me too? :-)

Thirdly, I’ve got some article ideas in my mind that I want to get written and share with you guys, so hopefully that will spice things up about here a bit more and make you see me a bit more on the blog too!

Fourthly, I am nearly reaching 300 GFC followers, and I couldn’t be happier (you guys are simply the best) and this means that I’m going to be hosting another wonderful giveaway for you guys so that’s something to keep an eye out for as well! :D

Finally, I have an idea for something new and exciting that is currently in discussion with a new blogger and I’m really excited for it and hoping that it won’t be a bad idea and that you guys will like it… but yes… there is something in the works for you to keep an eye out for!

So, yeah, I’m back! Hopefully with the possibility of being more active and around on the blog which I am sure you are all excited about!



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